Chapter Eleven

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Holden's pov

Yesterday was one of the most scariest moment in the world when i saw the braves and strongest girl in the world who i knew looked like she was falling apart so i gave her my helped to try control her panic attacks by focusing on her breathing then i immediately passed everyone that were in my way to rushed over to her aid.

Flora my cousin and Grayson a close friend of mine were sat in the living room alongside me during listening to me explained everything that i saw last night even though, i decided to take all of this business into my own hands to be investigated by me because i don't take all of that nonsense which were happening to her lightly she doesn't deserve for this forked up mess to happened to her.

"Whoever this low life is or whenever I find out who would do such a thing to her." I paused to try to control my breathing before my rage and then I said " I would break every single bone in their body."

If this was any old normal day then I would have irritated her or pointed out to her that all of the boys who she had loved before were stupid just knowing she never had a chance to experience what real love was. However, i was so vexed that someone was trying to threatened her as if they weren't man enough to showed their faces like why hide behind those threatening notes to go undercover being afraid that they might get caught which meant this person was a coward for doing this in my opinion but anyways, i was sitting there clenching and unclenching my fist as Flora, Grayson and Fletcher who had just walked into the room with a carton full of orange juice he was drinking out from which reminded me to buy my own orange juice from now on even if i only drink apple juice.

Moreover, I was willing to figure out who it was that spooked her in return, leaving her feeling so small as I continued to explained it to a few of my friends and Flora. It was then that I decided I would follow her around, get some hired help or a couple of my friends to be her bodyguard for her own protection for her own good not caring if she said no at all.

"I think what you're doing is mightn't be good given your situation with her although I can see your good intentions behind it. Besides, don't you think that you're infringing on her freedom?"asked my cousin Flora.

I was well aware of that problem that Flora had just addressed but it was the only way to protect her from getting hurt to kill two birds with one stone in letting me know that she was safe irregardless of the invasion of her privacy plus it would be very indirectly which mean she wouldn't even noticed it was me who had people looking after her or an extra pair of eyes on her. Therefore, she does need to learn a lot of self defence skills if she was going to keep herself protected from harm as I ruled out every single girl on campus including the boys except for someone who might be mad at her for her recent broadcasting about her hit list then i would have to set my sights on them.

The listed names of people inside my mind who were responsible for the death threats notes kept getting shorter by a minute as i messages every single guy that was on the list soon as i started revisited the list it might be her ex-boyfriend Knight or all the other ones although we were going to need proof against them. He was must me furious when she trash talked him in front of his friends despite all of it, i definitely wanted to teach him a lesson for any further notice, she loved to figured who done it a mysterious case except in her case it wasn't a murder mystery stuff for starter, i learned a few important information about this so i guess that we were teamed up together to prevent some sicko from getting to hurt her too.

"You might be right Flora but I need you to keep in contact with her please." I begged my cousin Flora.

In the meantime, my cousin Flora was agreed to did what i had asked of her whilst Grayson sat there to helped me thought of a plan even if i hated to admitted it that there was no other girls like her who loved to speak their own mind, smart-mouth, intelligent, so elegantly gorgeous as her beauty shine through every single day, stubborn, strong and know how to make me smile. Her personality was divine and one of my favorite assets about her that I awfully admired too much.

Puck, I hate you |Rockwell series #2Where stories live. Discover now