Chapter Ten

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Natalia's pov

There was an protest planned out by today that my friends and I were all going to take apart of since it was our idea to fight for a greater cause which was getting rid of an bitter racist and backwards thinking professor stone my old lecturer who told half of the females students in my lab class including me that women had no place in society for this job because we were meant to taken cookery classes. Elisa decided to take a video recording of the horrible experience we were having to face every single day on her phone as evidence to prove that we were fighting for the right to get this lecturer fired.

First time for everything as I bunked another class of his today to planned all of this protest movement knowing what my parents would say that I was entitled to fight for a better education than keep going through this torment every single day because my mother was a very strong woman in fact she was an attorney lawyer and my dad was mechanic fixing cars so i could have everything that I had ever wanted or needed.

"Thank you for all coming here and fighting for our justice,"I announced openly to the crowd.

Everyone attended the gathering at the Skyliner cafe to support me in this march protest even though I couldn't express how glad I was that they had come to stand by my side. This was more than I could ever ask for as I saw all of the student bodies were here too.

On the other hand , I wasn't going to lie but I felt the most exhausted from wondering who could have sent me this warning note along with trying to figure it out myself to answer my own question to who it was and then suddenly a sense of panic had washed over me in a tidal wave. I started writing a list of people in my notebook to note down anyone who had acted slightly suspicious becoming my next suspect even though they did it in a fake horror show or criminal thriller way with less dramatic effect. This serves me right for reading so many thriller books that my life was almost becoming like one.

"Here, take my water to drink please because you look a little bit faint." he paused to hand me his water bottle."or like you have just seen a ghost too." he sounded a lot worried to me.

Quietly, i excuse myself in the cafe to leave to rushed to the girls washroom to take a few deep breaths, feeling a hundred times overwhelmed to a point i felt a tear drop started to streamed down my right side cheek as I glanced up at the mirror being so tired that the girl that i was and then i noticed something was written on that looked suspicious targeted at me additionally, i was getting anonymous text messages from an unknown number. I read them before throwing my phone at the wall right across me which caused it to bound and eventually shattered into broken glass pieces on the floor. Now it was too late to pretend like it never happened because how long was it going to take me to snap or to become emotionless.

Repeatedly said this to myself out loud "Everything is going to be okay." I don't deserve none of this and was it me who had been making my own bed. "Ahhh stop it. Just stop it please." I screamed out loud but nothing came out of my mouth because I realized that I was on my own again.

This might be my chance to lash out in my self destruction mode or I could utilize forensic science skills to investigate the case behind it and somehow I was expressing my figure of speech which was fundamental but sadly I was still getting haters who warned me never speak up again. Unfortunately for them I was the wrong girl to mess with because I was never the silent type of girl who never expressed how they feel unluckily for anyone who tried to harm. I know how to win a fight any day and anytime too.

In this life i have cared to learned that there would be always be haters who want to be me or who want to ruined people like me for no reason at one point of my life furthermore, i saw how much hate affected my friend Jessanym last year by her other figure skaters competitors and some people had written a fake newspaper articles about her life too.

Sometime we all were a little bit broken even the strongest had their darkest days begging for the worlds to stop the on-going battles in their minds especially when they were holding on for their dear life by a thread as i was in fact felt like i suffocating in the washroom gasping for a single breath of fresh air between my two lungs where everything was closing in on me with my heart beating too quickly in my chest per second causing me to feel chest pain so i closed my eyes now that it started to cut all my wound so deep just to let whoever it was pour some lime and salt into me.

They all say that pain would soon healed and morphed to something beautiful but at what worth when I was the one who was hurting.

"Someone go and fetch me a bottle of water, please... My friend Natatila is having a panic attack!." Jessanym shouted out loud at the top of her lungs.

I trembled as i tried everything and yet nothing was working for me as I heard someone bursted into the female washroom immediately after I heard my friends worriedly voice their concerns to someone and then a similar scent of candlewood myth AXs body spray with a minty breath right next to me. Only a quarter and a half of the boys in this university wear the same body spray as each other.

"What's going on here?"I heard a similar question someone asked one of my friends.

At this moment i was having a panic or anxiety attack on the washroom floor while all my friends started to mumbled every worry words about me now, i i felt my hands shaking as the same person who asked what was wrong with me, placed their hands into mine when i heard some worried whispers from Rochelle and Jessanym even though i could not heard any words from Avenna and Charlie but i think they were crying for the way they saw me in this state. They weren't not telling me who was sitting right on the ground next to me. Meanwhile, I didn't care if the person was the president of Canada was in this room because never had I ever felt like this in my entire education institution was becoming my worst nightmare which resulted in me feeling unsafe here.

"Natatila, you're going to be alright but right now I need you to listen to him, okay."instructed Rochelle with a shaky voice.

So, it was male worker or some random boy customer who was at the cafe that was sitting nearby me as he was going to help me without complication whilst I sat there and listened to this guy telling me what to do.

"Hold onto my hand, squeeze it tightly like your life depends on it and breathe. I also wanted you to count to ten for a few seconds." he paused to push my hair behind my ears and then he continued to say. "I want you to think of your happy place and don't let whatever this is have a hold over you." He never let go of my hand.

Whoever this guy was, I was listening to him doing exactly what he had demanded me to do by following his instructions until this pain in my chest faded away from me. I couldn't speak yet but I think he muttered underneath his breath and asked demandingly "who did this to you?"

These were my last words as my eyes were about to flutter open. "My stalker did but .... I am trying to figure out his identity.." I said slowly that only this guy who helped me could hear me.

All I heard was the door opening and it slammed shut. My eyes were fully open and now all my friends seeing all of them crying with full on tears broke my heart as they gave me the space that i needed although, they gave me a hug explaining how they were never going to leave my side ever again and then we went out of the restaurant reschedule the planning of the protest to some other day.

Puck, I hate you |Rockwell series #2Where stories live. Discover now