Chapter thirty-six part one

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Holden's pov

My shots were sloppy today since i cannot think about how much i had missed my best-friend Grayson so maybe, my gorgeous girl right after all as it turned out i missed that my right hand man who had been with me throughout the years we had our ups and downs but nothing was unfixable to mend our friendship over anything. I was too deep in my thoughts until i heard him storming into the ice rink not looking very happy when i was ready to delivered the good news now i was sensing that something like an argument might had happened between him and my cousin Flora as i swear silently to myself feeling slightly guilty for causing them this stress especially when i was just overreacting yesterday.

There was something off-about him and this was what I was afraid that might happen to them as I was skating toward him. It wasn't until i saw him looking a little bit more tense and agitated. Flora didn't even pick up any of my calls nor did Grayson call me back however, I guess something might have crawled up his back side or they just had a massive argument with each other.

"Dude, I know that it must've sucked for you when you found out that they were dating each other behind your back but he looked so crushed." Fletcher Sighed softly, taking my hockey stick away from me.

My eyes looked over at Grayson who definitely wasn't himself as i saw him hold a note in his hand and then immediately knew that she left him alone after new year day because of how much she blamed herself for everything that happened in the previous week nevertheless, she wasn't even to blame for any of this. I figured that she might have told Natalia about her plan to leave town for a year earlier than she planned i assumed she left this morning too.

In the meantime, I can't call Natalia to help me sort it out since she went back to her parents house to babysit her youngest sisters Maila and Chelsea so I opted for Avenna and Mason instead of the rest of them because of how busy everyone was also I knew that only those two people who could potentially help me with my plan to fix everything that I have broken now.

"Fletch, I have tried calling both of them twice and neither of them answered my calls so I left them a voicemail about my acceptance of them." I spoke briefly with Fletcher.

Quite frankly, I don't know why they were both taking our hockey sticks off while they were skating off towards the stands in the beginning and then he just went ballistic not even punching or shoving me but I realized that he might just lost the love of his life because I saw real tears running down his faces when I just opened my arms for him to give me a bro-hug.

If you know anything about Grays then you will all understand why Natalia was the one who mentioned to me about how he was the best type of guy who would ride off in a motorcycle or in one of those expensive cars chasing after his girlfriend on the airport railways as she walked off inside the plane.

"We're taking you both to the batting cages tonight,"declared Mason.

At this moment, I kind of felt like a crappie friend but at the same time I felt like I had to intervene in their relationship because what if they break up and they want me to choose between the two of them. How on earth was I supposed choose between them?

In addition to this, Grayson wasn't the kind of guy who would forgive someone else so easily and I had a feeling that coach Jenkins wouldn't even let us play on the ice together because of how dangerous he thought it would become if two hot-headed players were playing next to each other afterwards having a massive brawl in the last consecutive weeks. He clearly wasn't ready to forgive me fully for it.

"I'm not going anywhere with him tonight especially after what he had done."Grayson snapped refusingly at them.

"Okay, we didn't ask for your opinion and frankly this isn't up for discussion either anymore." Avenna says, not giving a mick about what we said and she explained herself. "I think it is important to channel that male rage into something more fun and less violent like boxing because what I heard from Mason is that you boys love to get physical or down and dirty too."

Grayson has been there for me since we were kids and afterwards, Natalia accident yet somehow, I still manage to push him away from me no matter what I did. Furthermore, I was willing to pay full price for the cinema tickets this year even though he was richer than me because he could afford them for full price compared to me who waited for them to go half price amongst the tickets.

"Did you just use the phrase to get down and dirty knowing that it has a double meaning to it?"asked Fletcher with a chuckle that has no innocence behind it.

Some of us were trying to hide our laughter whereas others didn't know what to say about Fletcher because he does have his day where he was able to be completely brutally honest about anything, serious or otherwise he would just be the biggest goofball and funny guy in our group.
As from what everyone else can see, today he has decided to be the goofball jokers rather than a blunt honest and serious guy too.

Moreover, I didn't think that they had broken up with each other at the time since I had known that Flora had wanted to have a long distance relationship with Grayson and I guess he wanted her to stay longer in Vancouver. This meant that she didn't want to prolong her full-ride internship working for a law company called Carmichael Group. I was assuming that he could maybe FaceTime her or do whatever long distance relationship the couples would do.

"Oh, get your head out of the gutter, Fletcher!"nagged Avenna.

Sometimes, it was just better to acknowledge that Grayson was one of those great people out there who would have put her as his first priority and he was an incredible hockey player. I knew that he would never hesitate to protect her against anyone else who might hurt her but maybe I was acting out wrong because they didn't tell me that they were a thing like I get that there were some other things that people don't tell their best mates about. Regardless of the situation I should have been more supportive towards them too.

"Hey at least it made you guys all laugh again! Why are you all so sensitive or serious like someone has made a mess in your cereal today!"exclaimed an unfiltered Fletcher.

Once we had both showered in separate bathrooms and cleaned away all the negative energy out of our system we were all going to Hardin batting cages to release some steam because I was in need of a good stead reliever for the whole week. Mason, Wyatt, Fletcher and the other guys had taken the initiative to separated us from driving or sitting next to each other in the car in case something bad happened like a fight.

Asher was with his girlfriend Jessamyn helping her with aerodynamics lessons in aerial lifts in the ice rink. So, it was Wyatt, Mason, Fletcher and Dean who went to the batting cages with Grayson and I.

What did you expect when they put the two most sunniest moods players in our hockey team together in a car for a few hours as they both had started singing Best Day of My Life by American Authors?

Well, they were both trying to get everyone else to sing along with them but it resulted in Mason putting his earphones in his ears, Grayson complaining for them to stop singing and then they were ignoring him.

A very chaotic car ride but anyway I was glad that we were finally there at the batting cages to solve this issue between us.

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