Chapter Six

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Natalia's pov 

Tonight was the night to wild and fun time with all of my friends in one of the most hottest nightclub called scorpio to party all night long drinking alcohol in an open bar, singing karaoke whilst dancing to unwind from the dramas or gossipped that happened in university plus i was looking forward to forgetting about my toxic ex-boyfriend Mathew thank to my platinum wristbands. At the moment we were getting ready in my room trying out our outfits before we bedazzled the place up to made our all eyes on us as soon as i began to become aware that everyone has scars whether or not  emotional yet mental scars it still stings quite a lot because i hated how much impact it had on me when after other people think that they could get away people by the colour of their skins or appearances. Yes, I was talking about Professor Stone or people who were like him.

Quite often, I started to feel like the entire world was against me for many reason which I didn't even understand as well as I was fighting against myself along with being frustrated that my last previous Professor get a one off and the things about how hurtful his words were peirce right me like a knife, it simply wasn't  enough that he still get to continued haunt me in my sleep at night.

"Let's get some pre-shot drinks,"I said to both Avenna and Jessa.

The feeling as the alcohol i was drinking peach vodka shot downing them in my throat as the stings of the burn i had once felt in my throat was replaced with relief washing away my thought instantly hit me made me more prepared to downing another  round of drinks and then drowning my sorrows into a shots drinks seems to appear to me as an appealing idea even though, I was more of a coke and rum type of girl. Luckily I don't have work tomorrow morning and besides the point nobody likes going to work all hungover with a splitting headache which means I would just work on my podcast or radio ideas on my laptop at two pm in the afternoon on Sunday.

As i walked towards the mirror to see how i looked in my black skinny jeans, one shoulder off green sleeves top, shoes and wearing a black leather jacket whilst i continued to smile at myself in the mirror trying not to laughing at Charlie, Jessa and Avenna who made goofy faces at it  as i was hyping myself up and then i looked around my room to see my beautiful friends and i hyped every single one of them up too.

"For what it's worth, I miss the girl who you used to fight with my one of closest friend Holden or put him in his place too." said Grayson with a slight sad smile on his face as he gave me a hug.

Somewhere that same girl went to find her own voice and strength since she knew it wasn't going to be too easy for her but somehow she was still searching for courage that she didn't even know that she needed all of her friends to help find it. You know, I would be capable of many great things even if there was something that kept on holding me back not knowing how much I needed a hug until Grayson hugged me as I constantly refused to break down crying in front of a guy who I did consider him as a brother to me right now.

Furthermore, we did broke apart from our hug as Grayson told me a couple pf jokes including the one where he caught some of the boys singing to a taylor swift song or Living Like A Prayer by Boni Jovi literally recorded them on his phone abruptly broke out into dance moves as i watched the video on his phone even though i thought it would be a great way to used it against Holden just in case, i needed to won over an argument which might not actual be needed since i got my emotional  intelligent, sharp wit  and smarts to win a argument any day.

"I'm still going to argue with him in a smart way but just because I don't feel like it now, I'm still the same girl too."I said to Grayson.

Silently, I thanked Grayson and kindly asked him to send me that video on my phone and then we quickly finished up with our very light hearted conversation. Avenna, Charlie, Jessasmyn locked the door of my room on campus as we exit the first floor ready to hit the club scorpio presently, we walked out of the building exit all splitting the bill for the taxi ride whilst we waited for the taxi to take us not to mention once we had  arrived feeling a bit buzzed until stepping out of the taxi a light gush of wind blew passed us almost removing a buzz effect of those pre-drink that we had earlier. The most exclusive and hot-shot club had one of the longest queues that I had ever seen. Nevertheless, we didn't have any issues which was due to our platinum wristband meaning that we got to go in first.

We all entered the luxurious club feeling ready party meanwhile, the first drinks or shot was on the house from one of oldest closest friend of mine called Connor but he doesn't like when other people even his mum calls him Connie or ConCon short for his name as he passed over a tray of free drinks to us then he noticed that i haven't been myself lately, considering how happy or filled with energy that i had used to be went from great to miserable somewhere along the line in life.

"Taila, why do you look as if someone set your favorite book or brand of trainers on fire right in front of you?" Connor asked me in concern.

Afterwards, I shrugged my shoulders, not even upset. He brought up my favorite high-top shoes learning that life was unfair therefore, nothing left for me to do so instead i picked up my and clinked it to his drink  before i drank my drink not even commenting on what he was insinuating at all. Charlie smiled as we waved her over here and she asked "did you know that Holden is glaring over here at you like you just stole one of his favorite toys or hockey pucks?"

And for a beat, i looked over at him for a seconds and then i winked at him whilst smirking back at him before i could introduce one of my friends to Connor as he smiled back at me just knowing what i was thinking being on the same page as each other to made Holden even more angry or jealous by hugging Connor in a further compromising position that look like we were kissing each other,

"Did it work?"I asked a rather shocked yet understanding charlie.

There was this slight breeze or breath that had been lingering on the back of my neck as i could tell the smell of his minty breath from anywhere and i immediately knew who it was, Holden standing right behind me as i began to turned around due to feeling of his lips being brushed against my lower ear lobe when smirk devilishly at me.

"Did? What worked for my sweet Mia cara?"he questioned me.

I must admit that he thinks that he was so slick of coming up behind me without anyone noticing but surely he must be mistaken for those girls who follow every single word that he said giving him doe-eyes or seductively smiling at him whilst they batted their eyelashes at him.

Regardless, I was extremely immune to his charms. I laughed at how irresistible he thought he was, including other people who kept on feeding his ego all the time but news flash for him, I wasn't just anyone who could fall for flirty act at all because none of that matters to me.

I couldn't decide whether I wanted to ruin his reputation or not?

"Why must you alway show up uninvited or be all up in my business too?" I sighed tiredly.

From the corner of my eyes i saw Connor and Charlie walk off into a different direction somewhere else near the bar watching us two all alone together.

Everyone were dancing or having fun drinking whereas i didn't touched a second shot drinks since my first drink of rum and coke, i placed it on a bar table not feeling like drinking it anymore as i started to wandered off outside to talk a stroll out in the open air before i did that i moved to check up on my friends to see what they were doing at moment or if they were going to be safe in the club getting Grayson and Connor to keep a close eye on them.

Lastly, I took a taxi ride to the university campus with Rochelle sitting right next to me once we arrived at the campus housing building she left me a little early at the sports football field to have an early night of sleep so I was in an empty field eventually, I was sitting down on the bleachers or stand looking up at the sky because it was the most gorgeous view at midnight was the night sky soon an incoming message caused my phone to dings as I looked down to saw it was McArrogant.

McArrogant: hey, I know you were trying to make me jealous.

One photo, I snapped of myself sitting down on the bleachers gazing up at the stars, I posted on instagram.

McArrogant: why did you run off to the football field, brainsparks?

Not one single ounce of me felt like opening up his message that he sent me, needless to say that I was very bored and I opened his text to read it.

Me: None of your business to be honest with you, i don't see why you care so much?

McArrogant: I'm not as harmless as you think I am but by the way I am coming on my way to you right now.

Puck, I hate you |Rockwell series #2Where stories live. Discover now