Chapter sixteen

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Natalia's Pov

Our little secret experiment was going smoothly except for the few minus bumps on roads , for instance, the signature Holden McClellan or whatever act he was doing was what i called someone who stinks of arrogance even though, i think that some boys could used it to try to something considerably small or thereof simply lacking in and beside the point the boat trip was wonderful way for us to spend a few hours together to get to know each other too.

All work and no play today as i was sitting down in the lab writing a couple of lab report on my laptop although, what he told me yesterday slightly resonated with me about when he used to get bullied for being who he was but if that i ever happen to me as i child then i wouldn't want to change a single thing about myself. Avenna was talking me at the end of her dance class about how we both needed to distress by baking a couple of cakes afterwards we were planning to have to a spa but the truth was we were going to stay at one of Charlie Penthouse even if she still choose to stay at campus to live an ordinary life to take some time aways from her photoshoot modeling life.

"Write a conclusion to my final lab report test results and then we should come with an anomaly to explain the last factor in it." I instructed my lab team partners ,Lavia and Spencers too.

Out of all the groups in the lab as much as i hated to bragged my group were the finest of students scientists in every singles task did which mean we practically finish doing our in ten minutes before this lesson end and we were currently waiting for everyone else in our classes to finish their work then as soon as everyone was done. I hanged up my lab coat, gloves and goggle to exited out of the lab room to the recording radio room to work on my next masterpiece for my radio show preparing for my so-called revenge because look what this stalker made me do by making up terrible rumors or posters about me saying that i deserve to get treated the way my old professor made me feel with all of the ugly and bad stuff happening to me. I was being so caught up in my head until I got a call from one of my friends, Charlie, telling me she wants to join my radio show as one of my surprise guests.
So I let her join me on my show to add some more variety to it.

"Hey, I was wondering if you could let me do a little segment on your radio about why boys have to ruin something that could be a perfectly good thing." Charlie sighed sadly for a minute and then she wondered to me "not to take over but to you know be your surprise guest."

There was a silent pause over the phone line and then I heard a sound from her on the phone that sounded like oh god why? It sounded like she had now shifted the phone to someone as I wondered who it could be when I heard Jessa and Rochelle voices through the phone.

Jessasnym added "why don't we change the topic to be about how to get revenge on those who had done us dirty."

Quite frankly,i understand what all of my friends were talking on about the oppression topic or they were explaining their own horrible life experience to get more people to to joined our peaceful protest while they take turn standing up to carefully talk more share our sad stories and somehow i didn't feel quite as alone as i used to feel because of my friends volunteering to take time out of their day to be open and to help inspired other people to tell their stories on my radio talk shows.

"Are you sure? You don't have to do that."I said, a little bit weary of it.

Moreover, it meant so much to me that they were willing to dig deep into their own personal pandora box of heartbreaking past experiences in order to make me feel like they had got my back no matter what. At this moment, I felt like crying happy tears knowing that every single one of my friends who I care about was here to support me by sharing their words from their hearts and I seriously do appreciate what my friends had done for me.

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