Author note

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I would love to thank my amazing readers for sticking on this journey with me. I know my characters have somehow touched your hearts with their stories.

The reason why I have chosen to write this book series was because I fell head over heels in love with hockey romance novels as well as wanting to read a book that seemed to focus on the characters journey, goals, the hardships and challenges until they finally can overcome their obstacles.  The romance was a great bonus to write as well.

Another reason why I choose to write this hockey series was because I always wanted to prove something to myself as well as my doubters that I could do anything that I could possibly achieve.

It all started with a passion or desire to create something successful such as a legacy!

P.S. I hope that one day that you will eventually achieve your goals or future that will fulfill your expectations of what success will mean for you.

Your sincerely,


Puck, I hate you |Rockwell series #2Where stories live. Discover now