Chapter Twenty

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Holden's pov

Do you want to know what baffles me the most? It was other people who didn't see her potential like I see every single day of my life and they had to be stupid enough not to realize that she was more than enough for everyone.

She called in the morning at two am asking if i could take her to school later today due to one reason, she was going to be by herself so i suggested that she should temporarily moved into the hockey house to live with me and the rest of my friends who were on the hockey now.

Here we are again at eight fifty five am in the morning arguing back and forth on whether she should go to university today or stay at home. I was grateful that technology does exist to help us find a solution for both of us to do our studies at my house as well as do her radio talks shows. Apparently everyone at school missed her, the advice that she gave and missed seeing her there.

And there was no hockey practice tonight. This meant that I could take care of her at my house.

Yep i did attempted to make her breakfast but she was afraid that i might burn the house down if i made her favorite cinnamon buns especially since she had no faith in my cooking ability yet she doesn't know that Grayson had tried to get all of us to watched a cooking show of Nialla Larson that he had once found interesting when he was flipping through tv shows to watched once.

Anyway, I made her a bowl of cereal and remembered how she likes her coffee. Then I would take her to see my physical intense hot yoga classes before her PT (physically therapy) training sessions to help her recovery journey to be faster.

"Do you want anything?"I looked up at her after placing my cinnamon bun on the table whilst I picked up my chocolate protein shake. "You keep looking at me with the look of desire in your eyes."I laughed as she tried to hit me with her crutches but I swiftly dodged it.

Quietly, scrolling through my phone as I watched a couple of advertising videos about my hockey little leagues classes until I saw another video being posted online to do with her radio shows when I heard more people speaking up about their experiences behind the walls of the university or it could be somewhere else. She must have really impacted the life of other people here on campus and made me happy that a lot of people had cared about her without any doubt in my mind. I know that her parents were thinking of suing this school for all the rubbish that had happened to her here.

During two and half month after going into our experiment of fake-dating we were so happy but i think that i was falling in love with her because had impacted me in a way that i didn't even know was necessary and yes, this was me coming clean to myself as i finally admitted my feeling in my mind about her for those months i wasn't afraid to committed myself to somebody which turn out it had to be the right person. She was my right person all this time, I could have recognised the signs yelling out to me as it all became all too clear to me.

"In your dreams, jockey boy."she remarked jokingly to me.

At this moment of time, she stole my cinnamon buns without asking for them as I chased her around the dinning table in the kitchen and then she limped away from me although I imprisoned  her into the walls as I felt her faint breath tickle the side of my neck.

Our chest was panting because we were so out of breath right now.

Next I whispered into her ears. "just admit that you feel it too." She stayed silent, she wasn't saying anything to me. "No,I don't and I know this is all a game to you, Holden McClellan." she spoke up when she glanced up at me with full determination in her eyes, never backing down. I gently push her braided hair behind her ear additionally,caress her face then she bites her lips. "Please stop biting your lips." I warned her or otherwise she was going to be totally unprepared for what was next to come.

Our hearts were beating perfectly in sync with one another.

"Why? I'm not going to stop unless you tell me why not to?" she demanded to know as she continued to know why. 

The temptation was becoming more and more harder to fight the urge of kissing her big cupid bow lips as I looked into her dark brown upturned eyes that confirmed my suspicions that she felt the amount of tense in this room between the both of us was in fact driving me crazy.

Now being the perfect gentleman was killing me more slowly than ever before, especially when it comes to her at all things considering that she was making it almost impossible for me to behave myself.

Puck it! we were sort of fake-dating even though, it all started to feel real to me in my head people who fake date each other right don't they kiss or something I wasn't a dog who needed constant love or attention like all of her other unloyal ex-boyfriends but regardless, I can guarantee you that I was the best one out there who can do everything better than them without even having to try. I wanted her body, mind, soul and heart every day even if I might not be a knight in shining armour or a golden boy.

However, I was a left defense hockey player who teaches as well as coaching a little league hockey team in my spare time. What I was trying to say was that she made it easy for me to fall in love with her.

Deep down, I know that she wanted someone who could challenge her, encourage her, make her laugh every day, someone who would give her the world or at least watched the world burn with her, love her for all her flaws and imperfections which was crazy to me because she had zero flaws to me and someone that get her like nobody else does. This was why I ticked all of those boxes.

"Sometimes, in life not everything is owed an explanation in words but rather by actions."i said to her.

We were going to be late for the hot yoga session that I had booked for the both of us to do, including her physical therapy session if we kept going at this rate. I know I had been fighting the feelings for too long and it had taken over my thoughts for the last past hours now something or anything could happen at any given moment. I realized that it was going to hard to hate her from the first moment that I had laid eyes on her just like it would be even harder for me not to kiss right now in this moment too.

"I need you to give me a better reason, McClellan." She said still unsatisfied with my answer to her. 

Oh puck! As in I cannot be trusted to be in a single room alone with her as my mind was going haywire as I wanted to give in to my wildest desires now.

"Because you're even making it harder for me not  to kiss you right." My eyes lowered to her and then it went back straight to looking in her eyes. "How am i making it harder for you not to kiss when we are enemies right?" she asked me.

This wasn't a game or an experiment anymore to me, not when she had my heart pretty much in her hands.Natalia might not realize this yet but she was mine for the taking and if she does then I would write a billion love sonnets, buy a thousand of her favourite flowers, would watch criminal mastermind shows and horror movies. I would buy her the world with every single last penny that I had left after spending all of my money on her.

"You're too flipping irresistible when you are angry at me which is pretty much all of the time. You're incredibly hot and smart for me to hate. I could never hate you even if I had tried to in the past because it has alway been you for me from day one." I took one more step closer to her and then continued to say. "You have no idea how much that thought had been running around my mind all forking day!" confessed to her, about how she truly made me whenever she was with me or not.

Natatila and I were about to kiss when my phone rang and then Avena,Charlie, Jessasnym, Asher, Dean and Grayson walked into the kitchen talking amongst themselves until they saw us in the room. I helped her settle into the living before I silently apologized for leaving to pick as i quickly left the room to answer a phone call that was probably about the two afternoon appointments that we had missed today.

Don't know if the universe was against us or it was just our friends' bad timing too?

All week was very chill as I had taken her lectures classes, her PT and I went to my  business classes in the morning then in the evening there would be hockey training for me to attend too.

Puck, I hate you |Rockwell series #2Where stories live. Discover now