Chapter thirty

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Natalia's pov

All three of my friends as in Avenna, Charlie and Jessasnym stop like a deer who had been caught in the headlines.

Once they had seen Flynn Dyers setting up the ice rink for Holden's little league's hockey children unlike me and Rochelle who seem totally unaffected by his presence as i managed to make my way up to him when he decided to wink at Avenna before he could opened up his mouth and said. "As I lived and breathed the Natalia Speilberg who got one of my closest friends Holden all hot and bothered about you." he pulled me into a bone crushing hug as he started messing up my hair. I rolled my eyes while I tried to suppress my uncontrollable laughter at his ridiculous greeting to me.

The same light brown-reddish haired, the one dimple of left side of his cheeks and his caramel brown eyes lit-up in happiness to see a similar face as his charisma charm begins to show with his signature smirks that really made me think that every single hockey players had one even though, i used be sure that they had this overconfidence that would be them trying to overconstate for you know what anyways, Hockey was a bloodbath sport here in Vancouver, Canada and then i said. "But you were one of the biggest heartbreakers back then, Finn." This was one of the biggest surprises to see him here and no, Holls didn't tell me about him coming into town this week.

Wyatt defensively skated in front of Avenna as in a protected stance but Flynnn held his hand up in the air as he stood back laughing and then told Wyatt. "Bro, it's cool I wasn't trying to make a move on your girl at all." After that Finn stopped talking to Avenna as I shook my head while I turned around to see if Grayson knew that he was going to show up there.

And then everyone else's eyes were on the three of us searching for an answer from us until Grayson nodded his head in a form of acknowledgement greeting to Flynn who did this handshake with him. Meanwhile, they were catching up with each other as the first group of children started heading to the ice rink arena so I had to speed up the process of explaining how we all know each other from high school.

"Flynn Dyers is an old friend of my boyfriend and Grayson because we have all known each other since high school. No, I didn't know what he was doing here, to be honest with you guys."I explained truthfully out loud to everybody.

However, his eyes widened in shock and he looked like he had just realized something when I mentioned that Holden was my boyfriend before a great big award-winning smile displayed right in front of us. I just know that he was excited for me and Holden especially when he was the one of those people who was with Grayson that was trying to convince me that my enemy wasn't such terrible, which why I was surprised to hear that they didn't create their own fanclub based on Holden and I entire relationship because at the start of every single invincible relationship there are solid foundation build on trust, care, love and respect for one another.

Holden did ruin me for every other man that was yet to come and he would always be my last boyfriend.

"Oh,wow it finally took you two crazy love birds time to actually realize it!"exclaimed Flynn happily.

Nobody else had told Flynn about my accident yet, which was good because I chose to not relieve my pain.

Holden's pov

The meeting with my coach and the head dean of this school took too long to convince them to place a couple of panic room buttons around the campus hallways, including therapists and security cameras the last idea, was the head Dean of the university after the meeting I left to go to the ice rink in a hurry eventually, I made it just in time to see Asher brothers Aiden and Brayden hanging out alongside the rest of the crew asking Flynn loads of questions about hockey.

According to Asher's younger brother, the oldest twin Aiden. "Flynn is the equivalent hockey player to Fletcher but Asher is the top best during his beast mode on the ice."  Brayden shakes his head to disagree with his twin brother's statement.

Coach Jesen hold me back for a second to have a word with me as his clutches his clipboard underneath his left arm and then he surprise me when he said "Holden, i'm so glad that you chosen to grew up from your arrogant little troublemakers ways to realize that you had found the right girl for you." his lips curved into a proud smile and continued to say. "Keep fighting for your girl, no matter what happens in the end." He led me out to the center of the ice as he began to blow his whistles to get the whole hockey team's attention.

I wasn't going lie but she made me feel all of those lovestruck emotions overtime.

"Thanks coach, she made me a better person and of course, I will keep fighting for her even when I'm down to my last breath, "I tell Coach Jesen with the biggest smile on my face.

My eyes met hers as I instantly rushed to her side to check if she was alright by looking to see if there were any bruises. I saw none but still I kissed her forehead before I kissed her sugar sweet lips even though I want to kiss every single soft and silky skin around her body until someone coughs so I turned my attention to the person who was coughing was Grayson and Wyatt. I rolled my eyes as they started mimicking my interaction with my girl, Bright spark or better known as my sweet nemesis.

"Are you okay?" asked Wyatt to Avenna.

Like maybe they just don't get it unless they have a girlfriend then maybe they would. Now they are making a joke out of it.

"Yes, I am okay." reliped Avenna. Really, it wasn't that funny at all for those two comedians. "Wyatt and Grayson, don't worry when your time will come. I will be making the same but more hilarious jokes at you guys." I said slightly irritated at the fact they find it funny.

She didn't seem too bothered about it as she shrugged it off without having any care in the world and she began heading to the exit sign door as she only halted in her step to turned around to spare a glance at both Wyatt and Grayson who had stopped laughing for a millisecond waiting to see what she had to say to them. "Don't forget that I know everything about everyone here including who you both have a crush on too." She reminded them about their secret crush.

I love this for her, she has finally found her voice and her willpower to fight when nobody else knows that she's one of the strongest people who I ever met because she doesn't need any man or boys in order to showcase her influence power.

In addition to this, I would never give up on her, especially knowing her worth in this world was astronomical. I would continue to fight her even when nobody else believed her but I will always believe her as I hold my hand out to her every single time we get lost in the darkness she will be my light guiding out into a greater pasture of life.

It's good that she is a strong minded girl who is able to put up with all of my nonsense. My girl definitely has this electrical power or feeling about her that was so out of this world!

Puck, I hate you |Rockwell series #2Where stories live. Discover now