Chapter five

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Holden's pov

I started to wonder to myself what was such an gorgeously smart girl like my sweet nemesis was heartbroken over Mathew Cotton to be honest she did deserve much better than that idoit from the start even if she couldn't see it, I see it every single time and they had broken up I wanted to be the one who prevent her from wasting her tears on him who resembles a boy that tried too hard to look like a version of Justin Bieber.

However, she hate my guts right now, although it wouldn't stop me from caring about her since it must had been really hard for especially every day she was facing a new completely difficult challenge even though  i might be the biggest arrogant, annoying person to her and we had bad moments arguing constantly with each other, in addition to this i wanted to actually respect her boundaries rather than invaded them  for instance, she needed some quiet time by herself to heal which was totally understandable on the other hand, she wasn't any of the cruel words that i had used to described her as salty or cold girl because instead she was one of the most smartest, beautifully genius girl who i know deserve the world. She used her  coldest or unapproachable technique to hide who she really was underneath her mask.

Can you imagine how she got all of her friends into one of the hottest night  clubs for everyone else to have a great time even when she was at  one of her all time lowest points in life being heartbroken before so many times not having anything handed to her on a silver platter too?

"Holden, what's wrong?" asked an concerned coach Jensen.

One if the sweetest, most confident and elegantly beautiful girl was really going through a lot of pain right now, assumed that i was a player or heartbreaker douchebag even though, I wasn't  one anymore since the very first day that I had saw her knocking on the dean office door waiting to made a complained about the injustice and unfairness that she had been going through when after I listen to everything she had said I was impressed by her. I wanted her to be the only girl who see right through me as i was patience enough to want to hear her laughs or see her radiation smile as I looked toward the ice rink stand to learn that she was not there because she was still busy in her quiet science lab probably doing that to avoid me anyways, i was willing to give her all the time and space she needed to be alright in her own element.

"It's nothing to do with hockey, coach." I said truthfully to coach Jesen.

The whole of campus might listed me as one of  the biggest heart-stropes bad boy hockey player but it was just a label to me since i had a reason for all those layers and underneath them, I was much more than that as well as nobody else get to know the real me except for my teammates who had been my friends for quite a couple of years now. In addition to this, i  saw coach jensen gave me the most knowingly of understanding smile on his face as if i was easy to read as a person which was strange he just paused all of us in the midway of hockey practice to give us some advice about women whilst we stand there to listened  carefully and closely to him. We were like one huge hockey family to each other which meant I would always think of them as brothers to me. 

Slowly, we all gathered around coach Jesen standing around him in a group circle kind of taking some notes of what he told how to understand women also how to get the girl, all of a suddenly we were taking down a few notes, discussing our problems and listening to every single words or important stuff that  our hockey coach was dropping his brilliant words of advices. Therefore, i took my phone out my locker in the locker room coming right back outside to the ice rink arena to started to typed them in my phone as i remember how she always speak her mind never letting anyone else get the best of her and the way she know how to handle other people then here i was written how to cherish a prime example of a girl who had everything that i was looking for.

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