Chapter fifteen

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Holden's pov

On a warm Saturday afternoon with still a slight breeze in the air. I walked straight into her room leaning against her door frame without knocking on her bedroom that creaked a little bit open now,
She must have thought that I was a robber trying to steal her things from her as she merely looked up from tying her shoes and then she turned around to began to notice me standing there until she grabbed one of her heels shoes behind from her floor as she soon started to aimed it at my head in an attempted to get me to leave her room or something but of course, I caught it with ease.

Moreover, She looks dazzlingly gorgeous just in her black dress with her trainers on her feet because I knew it would have hurt her feet if she walked in them. It was a nice change to see her not wearing her lab coat although I could really move away from the spot I was standing at as I stood there staring in awe at how flawless she looks.

"Get out of my room now! And next time you decide you want to go inside someone's room, please knock on the door like a gentleman."she said, mad at me.

She practically was glaring dagger at me with her icy dark brown eyes which made me only gain more feeling between lust or something like my heart yearning for her Also as I started to think that her ex-boyfriend Matthew was the biggest idiot did not believe her and I knew it that I was right about him all along because what kind of man let a woman like her slipped out of his grasped not me.

For starters, she was the best type of woman ever who would put you in your place if you weren't careful whenever she said anything that had been on her mind for a very long time. In the meantime, I don't know if she had begun to know or gain some sense of our current situation and I can no longer the pain in her eyes from her being too strong as she has been for the past year fighting her own corners even if she didn't want me there then I would still continue to be showing up for her.

However, I planned a small distraction for her since she had been working too much between her studies, radio shows and her silent peaceful protest march standing against racism along with many other important things too. She needed to be remind that her life matters to other people as much as it mean to me so i won't let some low-life ruined her happiness because she deserve the very best life including a break from all of her stress overworked her at the moment and believe me, she need a little bit of a pick up. I got her to reschedule her internship shift at the hospital for us to go to a new restaurant that serves every kind of cheesecake or other dessert. Also some of the money I have saved up was spent on this restaurant and a boat that I won at last year's auction. I didn't rent out this boat for two good reasons: one was because I wanted her to be the first girl to have the first one who I take on my boat for a date and this was my favorite place to go to when life gets worse.

"Oh, believe me. I am many things but when it comes to you looking seductively beautiful when you're angry and then gentleman cards are off the table."i truthfully told her with a wicked smirk on my face.

I had reminded myself that she was going through a tough time and she doesn't need me to annoyed her any further than i already did but if anyone else could ever asked me today what was one of words that i could use to describe her, i would say that she was too beautiful beyond words to be describe by in words because Natalia Speilberg was simply a spectacular girl who always shine through her pain when she had been hurt by this world and she was one of the strongest people in the planet who i know so any man in the world would be lucky to love someone like her.

"I know you are as blunt as an unsharpened knife or as blunt as a hockey player like comes." she quipped to me.

Firstly, I don't know what else I could say to her without sounding like a complete moron even though I did wish that I could take all of her pain away to make life easier for her.

Puck, I hate you |Rockwell series #2Where stories live. Discover now