Chapter twenty-seven( part two)

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Natalia pov

An explosive fight has occurred between the two of them during their time together in the batting cages and now I was left to take care of him while my mind began to drift off from what I was originally thinking about before I saw how bloody these two looked right now. I gave them my best stern look before I sternly asked "Why didn't any of you boys ever stop them from fighting aggressively?" I looked at them as if all of this simple problem could have been avoided by simply letting His cousin Flora be happy with his best friend Grayson.

Silently, I rolled my eyes knowing that loving a hockey player as hot-head and egotistical jerk like him wasn't easy but he was my caring, protective, loving, fun, handsome, egotistical jerk and despite all of my flaws as well as imperfection i will always love him because love wasn't meant to be easy but love was supposed to be something that was worth fighting for. We were worth fighting for. Us. he and I were together forever. I, Nataila Speilberg and thy, Holden McClellan might not make sense for a lot of people but we certainly do make sense for ourselves too.

"The's demanded to be felt by them."Fletcher stuttered at me.

There was a few noise of a boomboxes being connected to the television, i think that fletcher was trying to set up the cables to plugged into somewhere in the walls as i continued to looked between Holden and Grayson too busy to notice what Fletcher was up to whilst i inspected all of my boyfriend Holden's injuries when Wyatt and Fletcher were arguing back and forth with each other about who was the best singer out of the both of them. Rochelle and Charlie just sat there on the couch alongside Jessasnym listening to some of the boys making a bet on it in compared to Mason who ever so subtle glanced over at Rochelle that was laughing at a joke Fletcher which caused mason to frowned because he wasn't the source of her laughter.

"Not when these two boys could have broken a bone." I sighed in frustration as I examined his face and then said "it's a good thing that I love you for more than your looks, Pretty boy." I pressed my face into his chest, almost forgetting how angry I was at him for fighting his best friend Grayson.

Everyone sat down in the living room as we watched Fletcher and Wyatt started to sing along to Don't you worry child by Swedish House Mafia, John Martin and Sebastin Ingrosso to Grayson to cheer him up, Avenna joined in singing with the boys, then it was Holden, Asher, Charlie,Jessasnym whereas Rochelle was trying to convince Mason who was tapping his feet to song to let loose for a while. I couldn't suppress my laughter at the sight right in front of me as a slow wide smile spread across my face and I took one microphone from Charlie outstretched hand before I carried on singing although we couldn't quite get Mason to sing but eventually, Grayson began to sing from out of nowhere. We waited long enough for Mason to sing yet he kept to himself too.

And then I realized that there weren't never any crazy, wild and fun moments with these groups of people that I was proud to call my friends despite the bad days, the heartache, the pain, the tears, the joy, happiness and laughter. We were young adults still trying to figure out our life, who we were, what we were destined to be or how we were going to get there because we were big hearts full of love, care, compassionate, bright bunches of people, fighters, lovers and the most understanding people who had been through so much pain that it could not any physical but mentally damage us. We were survivors.

"You see what I meant now. Everyone needs a way to release their pain or their stress no matter what ways they have decided to do it."explained Fletcher who had placed his hand on his chest where his heart was dramatically.

I had work the next day at my placement so i had to decide whether i want to get a little bit tipsy but not crazy drunk or stay sober for tonight considering to visit my dimwit of an ex-boyfriend who pushed me down the stairs on campus in prison since he kept on requesting me to talked me. However, I hadn't told anyone else about this yet, not even my own parents except for Avenna because everyone had told me to deny his request or he didn't deserve the privilege of seeing me there. Avenna on the other hand, was very understanding at the same time she was like a little boy like him doesn't deserve to see you shine especially not when he had tried to demolish your light. I wasn't going to lie but I felt like I needed an explanation as to why Mattew did all of those horrible things to me even after all that I had been through.

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