Chapter forty/epilogue

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Natalia's pov

Today was when our books began but the rest of it still remains unwritten so it doesn't matter how many chapters were alarmed or we thought that we were not going to make it. I just wanted to reverse as well as change that narrative of how the world might perceive us.

Our end might be unplanned; however, we have chosen to work on it together because life was filled with good or bad surprises that may cause us to question everything about ourselves in the process. This means that nobody else could easily dictate what our future was going to be like in a couple of years. I have actually outlined a long list of things that I want to happen in my future in five or ten years time yet to come.

"You have promised that we were not going hiking or backpacking halfway through Europe right?" I asked him suspiciously.

Seriously, all of my senses or my instincts were tingling and these were only two things: he was planning a special surprise for me or he had done something really reckless along with being irresponsible. I don't know why he had the sudden urge to tell me to do some last-minute packing on my suit last night even if he did refuse to give any information about where we were going.

We drive to the airport as I saw my friends Jessamyn, Avenna, Charlie and Rochelle all looking a bit confused about where the boys were taking us to because the only information that we had gotten from them was it going to be a sunny location, it has one of the best restaurants in town, the city never sleeps and we should all dress warmly. So I thought it was going to New York City.

"I didn't do anything reckless but please just trust me on this one."he said with a deep chuckle to me.

The second year of university had changed me in some good  and bad ways. I often ask questions about everything that has happened in my life. I had become more alert of my surroundings including only keeping a tight close knit of friends around me that I know will support me. Although, I felt this was a monumental moment for us to all go on a group trip this year as I know that no matter what club me and my friends were at we would always never disappoint them with our dances because we make the parties come alive.

And we do need this more than ever to just actually get the chance to sit back and relax. We were about to checked in our luggage into the conveyor belt when the boys had decided to take the element of surprise a bit too far by blindfolded us including put earmuffs on our ears so we could see or hear where we were going to as we walked onto the plane but i swear i was going to literally to kill him if i hurt myself because i couldn't see where i was going at all.  Furthermore, we heard Avenna voice arguing with Wyatt. "I swear if you don't take this blindfold off me then i will tell everyone about your secret Taylor Swift obsession right now!" she said fuming at Wyatt.

Avenna had literally just taken the words out of my mouth as I turned to face him trying to keep my cool when I heard him chuckling so I elbowed him and said "same goes for you. I could expose your secret guilty pleasure to everyone in this airport right, what does it kill to make you stronger, song  ring a bell?"I smirked and knew that I had some dirt on him.

Slowly, i walked up the stairs of the plane, hoping that he would finally tell me where we're going because this suspense was driving me crazy then we sat on a plane ride for a couple of hours next we get off the plane as soon as it landed the plane i overheard the flight attendant saying welcome to San Francisco the city of the golden gate and so on. He took my blindfold off me just so he could see my reaction after he had to endure a few minutes of me lightly joking with him on the plane to take this blindfold off or else.


Holden's pov

Natalia was crazy nor was she too much to handle for me. My highly intelligent and beautifully ambitious girl knew what she wanted in her life including how to get it.  But the things about a girl like her who still makes boys feel intimidated by intellect and girls threatened by her flawless beauty because they simply just don't understand her in the same way that I understood her which was a pity seeing as my sweet nemesis was a pucking, genius that means that she was a pure unstoppable mastermind at her best and even at her worst.

Hopefully, she won't ever be with me whenever I am around her. I didn't mind her asking me questions every twenty four seven since I knew that i couldn't never get enough of her sweet sugary voice and she was incredibly even more attractive than she was before whenever she got angry at me like a viper.

"I can assure you that you won't be mad at me anymore once you open your eyes."i told her.

Once the taxi driver had arrived I had them take us to Yosemite National Park leaving all our friends behind at the airport to the stunning views there as we had reached our destination as i covered her eyes when we got the taxi to walk her and i showed the view here. 

Instantly, her  lips started to curl into the most gorgeous smile that I had ever gotten the pleasure of seeing at this moment. She was speechless in awe whilst gazing at this view of trees, mountains, waterfalls and lakes which had this overgrazed of the sunlight casing over it.

"Wait what do you mean ... .oh my goodness this is the most beautiful thing that i had ever seen."she said starstruck to me.

Quietly, we watched the scenery as if it was made out of the scene of a fantasy fictional book that literally only exists in movies but never in reality at all.

"Yes, it most definitely is."I said truthfully with a sly smile on my face.

At this moment, she probably thought that was talking about the scenery but she couldn't be any more wrong than that as i was looking at her whilst i said those words meaning every last word that I had said to her.

And my whole, entire life I was told to keep my card close to my chest and then reveal them alongside my heart when I had the right girl for me to share my heart with but she could have my heart on a tiny silver platter if she had wanted it because I don't think that i ever it back again.

For infinite, I would be her bodyguard, protector, boyfriend or whatever she wanted me to be to her.

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