Chapter twenty-five

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Holden's pov

There was no Cheetos left in the store since it was sold out and i couldn't believe it as I kept complaining about it but all I heard from Mason as well as Natialla was it wasn't even a big deal for me not to mention that I might have lost my lucky chains today too because I didn't even remember where I had put it.

"Sorrows, sorrows"she said sadly to me whilst she patted me on the back.

Today I was having one of the worst days ever of my life it wasn't even enough that there were none left of my favourite snacks in any stores and now i don't even remember when I put my lucky chain with my lucky number on it. I know that I don't say anything or show it a lot but out of half a billion people in the world, I was glad that she chose me and some rookies to take care of my favourite girl.

She looks like the most magnificent and completely ravishing girl in the whole supermarket dressed in her dark blue vest top, black high-waisted skinny jeans, dark blue high-top trainer, my letterman jacket and my black bandanna on the top of her head. Classy yet fashionable girlfriend Natalia Spielberg is one of the promising future top ten scientists in the world.

"You have one special way of comforting the people who you love, Tia."

In sports like hockey, there were wags or puck bunnies nonetheless, but I knew that from the moment that I first met her, she was beginning to refine all of those words to be my heart's desire because she was always one step ahead of any of that definition. I remember when our hockey captain Asher started to fall in love with his girlfriend Jessa as we all made fun of him up till now I was starting to understand what he felt like to love someone so much that they were coming to be all that I could think about in my mind whenever I was asleep at night, awake in the morning or in daylight.

Everyone needs, a Grayson and Natalia in life too.

"Who says anything about loving -"

I interrupted her by kissing her in the middle of the supermarket I know that it wasn't very Romans to girls however I had a plan up my sleeves to take her to the place where we first came across each other in the skyline cafe since it was close I decided to do it on the football field especially when some of the football team members owes me two favor.

"It's okay because I will always love you no matter how long it takes for you to give in to your heart."I whispered softly into her ears.

Damn, this girl was my whole entire heart as she stole my cap from my head and put it on her head as I wrapped my arms around her. I never wanted to let her go because she was the only girl for me.

My favorite little cousin Flora whosoever was a couple of weeks younger than me and happened to show me the text that our family members were coming to my hockey game was next week until I realized that Natalia was the reason why I was so lucky in every single game from the beginning where she used to look at me in hatred or disdain had now change into a look of happiness and love.

"McFlamey , I would go wherever you are." she said quietly to me.

We paid for our shopping before we went outside in a car to the Skyliner diner whereas everyone else went back to their housing building or the hockey house leaving the two of us alone as I blindfolded her with much more of her complaint about it I was hearing to take the food that was prepared for us by Grayson, Flora and Mason the chef of the hockey house team.

Re joined her back in the car once placing the picnic basket in the back seat as soon as I sit down in the driver's seat and closed the door including driving off to the football field on campus next, I took the basket out of the car afterwards, I opened the door for her, holding her hand to lead the way forward to the pathway to the middle of a field.

Lastly, I took off her blindfold to show her our romantic picnic date since we have reached our destination. To be honest, I did all this on short notice, however, our other dates in the future would be better than this one. We both sat down by a picnic table to eat food and then we laid out a blanket on the grassy green ground to sit down and watch the stars.

"All of it feels real to me,"I said truthfully to her.

And here I was standing right in front of her putting all my heart into my speech feeling nervous with sweaty hands as my heart was constantly inside my chest. As she saw right through me, I was my Archer the whole time as the entire world was watching us fall but I was only.

"What are you trying to say?" she asked me in bewilderment.

Everyone who ever had fallen in love was this what it feels like when you can't get the best person for you out of your head, the late-night calls and good morning while you read them you could actually feel your heart skip a beat or do anticipate every single text message that you have ever received from them?

It was how I felt every single time.

"At first, I thought falling in love with someone was only for the hopeless romance but now that I have thought about it." I paused gently, caressing her cheek as I looked her right in the eyes and then admitted to her. "I don't want to be in love with someone who isn't you."I told her truthfully.

"You don't even know the real version of me!" She whispered and yelled at me.

If she was a book then I was willing to read every single chapter of her story from the beginning to end repeatedly because I was still learning more about her every single day of my life.

"Correct me if I am wrong but I know you used to be so upset I won the science competition in high school. Your favorite color is light blue, you create a community where everyone else can bond with each other and I love every single version of you." I listed every single thing that I knew about her that was in my mind and then I watched her frown turn into a huge happy smile on her face when she asked quietly. "You love me?"

The look of surprise on her face as she froze, not sure what to say unless I broke the ice to her with my words. "Of course I love you or otherwise I would be pretty stupid of me not to love a highly incredible, fascinating, smart and beautiful girl like you."

If loving her was a crime then I would definitely go down for it.

Yes, I was perfectly aware of our experiment or how she kept on insisting that I must leave her but I'm afraid that I can't because I'm hooked on her for life. And there was no way that I would ever get off this type of high that put me on a freaking cloud nine forever. 

Puck, I hate you |Rockwell series #2Where stories live. Discover now