Chapter 24

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"Time slowing and speeding,

Chaos and Panic,

Control is no where to be found,

Oh how I hate these things...

Power outages causing machines to malfunction,

Control is no where to be found once more,

The time speeds up and slows down,

Raincoats and machines may not help me now,

People rely on me,

something a mere machine cannot do,

And I must not fail them,



They are all counting on me to be there,

To not run away once more."


6 𝔂𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓼 𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻...

Me, Bella, Jacob, and Hellfire were playing a board game with our own character pieces. I chose a cute cloud while Jacob chose an eel. Bella choose a simple block, and Hellfire chose a octopus.

I rolled the dice, it rolled onto the side that showed three black dots in a line

"Three spaces!" I happily exclaim, "Your turn Jacob"

Jacob rolled a five.

"Hell yeah a five!" Jacob cheered

"Must you always say hell yeah?" Hellfire asked

"Well I rule hell don't I?" Jacob chuckled

Hellfire sighs but smiled a bit, "Yeah, yeah you do"

"Oh by the way it's your turn!" Jacob reminded, giving Hellfire a kiss on the cheek.

Hellfires blushed a bit but rolled the dice and then, moving how many spaces the dice 'said' to. Before Bella got to roll the dice for her turn, the phone rang.

"I'll get it!" I tell them, as I ran to the phone in the kitchen.

I answered the phone.

"Hello?" The voice of guardian asks

"Yes?" I asked, letting guardian know I answered

"Oh good! There's an issue I need to talk to you about now!" Guardian said with haste, sounding quite panicked.

Noticing the panic in his voice I started to panic a bit myself

"Wait whats going on?!" I asked, starting to worry

"Theres no time! You need to get here-", His voice was cut off as the power went out.

Bella looked at me, "Who was it?"

Hellfire cursed the universe for the power outage, which was expected.

"It was Guardian!" I answered

Bella perked up, knowing it wasn't a normal call. She could tell I heard panic in Guardian's voice and it made me panic a bit.

"What did he say?" She asked

"We need to contact Guardian as soon as possible!" I said with haste as I quickly packed what I could, not answering the question

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