What I won't be

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Something I had experienced for a while. My parents never cared about me, barely even bothering to show up in my life. No one cared about me at school either. I wasn't popular, nor cool. I wore items either from a care closet or the clearince section, and it clearly showed

So, I pretended.

Pretended that my parents cared, that they loved me. We would watch movies together, ones they knew I loved. They would celebrate my good grades, as if they were a metal I had earned. Every christmas they would spoil me with love and presents, and my friends did the same

Deep within, I knew this was all fake...I could feel everyone stare at me as I talked to the imaginary versions of them that actually thought I was popular. After collage it just went downhill. I struggled to even afford clothes or the crappy apartment. Sometimes I would just decide food was worth skipping just to get some clothes or pay the rent. Not even imagination could do something about that.

Then I met him, someone who was so kind to me. But I was selfish, cruel, evil. I used him, knowing full aware what I was doing was wrong. He did so much for me, and that was how I repaid him. The guilt really hit me when Blood walked into my life, being as perfect and caring as he had been. Even more perfect might I add...

Every time I was with her, everything in my mind froze and I could only think aobut how much of a flustered mess I was. I knew I looked so embarrassing I didn't deserve to be loved and cared for as she cared and loved me. If I'm honest I'm lucky I got her. I'm lucky I didn't lose her

No longer will I hurt Ethan, no longer will I let Blood suffer, no one will suffer because of me. I won't neglect those in pain like my parents. Not anymore.

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