Chapter 33

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"I thought influence was horrible, but he....he is another level."


Noises of portals opening filled the silence as Sam opened one after another, elegantly going through each one. He seemed to be practicing for battle, either way Tremya seemed to love watching him. She laid on her cloud, kicking her feet in the air as she happily watched with a smile. Meanwhile Ethan was just making animals.

"Hey Ethan!" Sam called out

Ethan turned to Sam's direction, "Yes?"

"Wanna practice attacks with me?" Sam asked

"Sure!" Ethan agreed, getting up to spar with Sam

Tremya made me a hologram seat and put me in it. I yelped surprised but then blinked and looked at her unfazed. She just smiled as if she wasn't guilty of making the hologram chair.

"Throw some punches with your summonable hands!" Sam instructed

At first Ethan ignored him, making a test dummy and attacking it with a few punches. Sam aimed two portals, with one receiving the attack and the other redirecting it to the dummy.

"How did you constantly fight him???" I asked, a bit worried

Tremya just laughed, finding my reaction funny. Ethan sent more attacks at Sam, which Sam redirected the attacks. The attacks hit the dummy instead, breaking it.

"Good job darling~!" Tremya cheered, sitting up properly to cheer

"I feel bad for him" I commented, knowing how blind Tremya was

"Why?" Tremya asked, unaware of her own blindness

I didn't answer her, she'd refuse to believe it anyway. Sam looked at Tremya, nodding. However Ethan did a cute little bow that was so adorable! Tremya looked at me unfazed, and I blinked.

"Our attacks are powerful, Ethan!" Sam blinked as he realized this

"Indeed they are, Friend!" Ethan replied with a smile

"Its quite fun to watch too" Tremya added back to laying on her cloud with her feet making little kicks behind her

" I think I am ready!" Sam confidently exclaimed

"Quick question, Did I do anything weird when I woke up?" Guardian interrupted.

"Yeah you said nest instead of next" Cherry answered

"And you acted strangely all night. You kept mumbling." Jacob also interrupted

"He did that when he rebooted, mumbling all kinds of numbers and then he was fine" I shrugged

"I am so sorry about that! I've never received that much damage to my code like that before!" Guardian exclaimed, feeling horrible

"Don't be sorry! It's not your fault that you got hurt like that!" Ethan assured

"Its fine, besides you should have seen Albert" Tremya whispered to Guardian while pointing to Cyrus

Cyrus blinked confused, "Whats wrong with Albert?"

"HES CREEPY" Star hissed, hiding behind Blood

"I'm so sorry about her" Blood sighed, having gotten used to too-many-oreos and too-little-sleep Star

(Oreos is not sponsored. You got to pay me fuckers-)

"Okay?" Guardian blinked confused

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