Cruel fate

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Arthos stood in front of the door. He knew fate was fuming. Her voice angrily whispered in his ear and in his mind, reminding him of what would happen. Taking a deep breath he opened the door and closed it softly.

There his mother stood in front of the room she normally walked into without hesitation. Arthos knew his mother wasn't one to heistate unless the stakes were high, so such hesitation confused him.

His mother was a woman who you'd certainly never forget. Strong, confident, cold. Though the cold part was only part of the formality mask she put on at every dinner. She was a woman who smiled very rarely, with few reasons to. Her husband, Artho's father, died when he was only six. Since then, she had been telling arthos not to love another god. To fall in love with a mortal. To not step outside the harsh expectations that are expected of important gods such as us.

She took a deep breath and walked into the room, watching as a white female figure with blue lines across her body suddenly appeared. The female was much larger in size, large enough his mother was the size of their hand.

They stared down at his mother with light blue eyes full of fury. She closed her eyes as they picked her up and tossed her against the wall. Arthos gasped, putting a hand over his mouth to silence himself as his mother cried in pain. She stared at the ground for a few moments, looking to the figure with blood running down her forehead and staining the white fabric of her dress.

"Your lucky Arthos needs to know he can't love a god." They hissed.

His mother got up, struggling as they tried to use the wall as support.

"And your a cruel perra!" She snapped, spitting out the blood that fell into her mouth.

Again they grabbed her, this time by the arm and threw his mother into the ground. Again and again, they picked her up and slammed her into the wall.

"You obey your orders little puppet, and maybe, just maybe, I'll kill you quickly."

Just as she did then, Fate stood there with rage in those light blue eyes of hers.

"You are just as stubborn as your mother! How many times do I have to tell you stop warning those with horrible fates!?"

"Cyrus has gone through enough!" Arthos snapped, "And for fuck's sake he deserves what I will never get!"

Fate tightened the strings, his own strings that would remind him he was her puppet when she wasn't happy. Arthos put on facade after facade, just so he wouldn't be killed by fate like his mother. Just so his kids could have a better life than he ever would. Than fate would ever let him as long as he lived. The one around his neck became especially tight. He grabbed it and held it, trying to give enough space for him to breathe for when she decided to tighten it.

"That pathetic mistake doesn't deserve shit."

"Just because he has adhd and can't handle being a god doesn't make him a mistake of life's creation. You know what, I regret nothing I did to help Quinn. So fuck you, beat me up, but you know I would survive every try!" Arthos snapped.

The strings disappeared. Instead she threw him again and again. Slammed him into the wall. Yet he continued to fight for Cyrus. To fight for what happy endings he could. He had watched as Cyrus suffered, unable to do anything with the strings holding him in the cruel entity's control. Things were different. He had things to fight for. He had his children, his only source of joy. His duty. He would have to turn a blind eye to many things, but if he died fighting... that was a better death even if he died by fate's hands.

She finally stopped, watching as he coughed up blood. Her eyes held no emotion, no empathy. Empathy was an emotion she never had. He knew that as soon as she smiled watching him walk away from a desperate Tiempo that had lost everything in her marriage to someone that would hurt her again and again.

Even if it was the end of him, he'd make those tough calls. He'd do his duty as long as he could, even when offered retirement, for the sake of the multiverse and his children. Mostly his children. His wife was dead. The poor human he had to lie that he loved. He couldn't let her sacrifice be in vain. Her death wouldn't be useless.

Arthos grabbed the first aid kid and patched himself up, like he always had. Like his mother taught him to. Like she always did. This was the life of a god of fate. This was his fate. His horrible fate.

Worst part?

Not that he's aware but the fact there was no happy ending for him. No escape.

He sighed, cleaning up the mess and hiding it like he always had. Like his mother had. Like his grandmother had. Like each god before him had.

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