Chapter 32

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"Perhaps we are more alike than I thought"


The only sound filling the silence is Valeria's screams of agony as she burns. Maybe don't make a suit thats a DEATHTRAP next time.

Star blinked noticing her still on fire, "Oh yeah your on fire still"

"No marshmallows." Blood glared star

"Dammit" Star grumbled

Cyrus in the background was already roasting a marshmallow using Valeria who was on fire, and the funny part is no one even noticed. Observer just looked at the floor, and then at Ethan who still was quite infuriated by the battle that had happened moments ago.

"Kill me. I don't care anymore. I've lost the only support I had THANKS TO YOU." Observer yelled while weakly glaring Ethan, referring to Influence, "I've wasted my 'life' dedicated to helping Influence! I tried to avenge her and failed!" 

Ethan, blinded by rage and unable to realize what he would regret later, attacked Observer to try and kill him. I didn't let him, blocking the attack while Quinn tried to get Ethan to snap out of it.

He didn't snap out of it through, trying to attack again despite my attempt. Cyrus took the safety bubble from Bella's hand and pressed the second button on there, the second and big red button, before throwing it at Ethan.

 It trapped Ethan within the bubble, and  instead of being blue now, it was a light red color. Ethan tried to attack the 'bubble' yet it didn't do anything, only making a ripple effect on the area he attacked. Like when a rain drop fell into a pond of water.

Cyrus sighed, "Thats why I made a reverse function on the saftey bubble."

"There was a reverse function?!" Bella exclaimed

Ethan tried again to get out by melting and coming back on the other side, however the bubble just moved to where he did, keeping him trapped. Ethan gave up, and cried.

Bella came over and stood next to the bubble, putting her hand on the outside. Cyrus sighed, he didn't like having to use this function. Or the fact he had to use it on Ethan.

"why....?" Ethan mumbled, "Why must my friends and family suffer around me every time?"

"I know, its not fair. Its painful. But as painful as this is, didn't we grow from last time? We got better, we overcame it." Bella comforted


Jacob walked over, holding Guardian. 

"He looks like he could be fixed." Jacob mentioned, looking at Guardian's damage.

Cryus nodded, "I can fix him, all be it  I'll need supplies...."

He thought for a moment and then turned his pen on again, opening a portal and taking out a machine that looked like a box with two legs (Which looked like dryer vents) that had suction cups on the bottom.

He smiled at the bot, "Albert could you get supplies to fix our dear friend guardian?"

The bot... nodded and then just walked up a building wall to heavens knows where. Cyrus smiled, while Bella and Blood just stared at him like he pat a fucking horror game monster.

Quinn watched the machine and looked back at Cyrus. Cyrus smiled as if he didn't do that shit.

He then noticed blood and bella looking at him and blinked, "What? Albert is very good at finding supplies"

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