Everything you arent supposed to be

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The young five year old was dressed in a pink suit tailored just to his tiny size, with his hair tied into a adorable little braid. His sister was only two, having a simple dress with fake gems tailored to her size.

Cyrus smiled, handing her the block she had been reaching for.

"What are you building sis?" He asked with a gentle child like tone

"Building" Aphrodite answered as she kept placing block onto block

"Ooo ok" Cyrus giggled, playing along and handing bricks when his little sister requested them

She looked so focused and determined, before she placed the final block and turned to cyrus with a 'Ta-Da!'

"Its a castle for you" Aphrodite explained with a adorable toddler smile

Cyrus fake-gasped and smiled, "It is? How sweet of you!"

The moment was ruined as the click clack of his mother's heels came into the room, announcing her presence without any words needed. He looked up at his mother, innocent eyes unaware of his mother's harsh words for only a second.

He looked at his mother with expectant eyes full of hope, "Mother!"

He hugged her, only able to hug her knees due to his shortness, smiling as stared back with a ounce of emotion

"Come on Cyrus, You've been playing with your sister for long enough." She spoke coldly

Cyrus knew what she was here for and sighed, letting go of her knees.

"Yes mother." He sighed

He gave a kind goodbye to Aphrodite while saying sorry that he had to go, despite the fact her two year old brain didn't understand most of the grown-up words he knew.

Cyrus followed his mother, holding her hand. This was one of the few times she even let him, and he cherished it like the unaware child he was. His mother let go of his hand, pulling out a small chair for him.

Cyrus sat in it, silently dreading how he had to sit up straight with the correct posture. He sat up straight, putting his hands in the position his mother requested of him. Every time he faltered for a minute, she snapped and yelled at him with harsh words.

He just wanted to go back to playing with his sister....

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