Chapter 35

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"Awww I was enjoying the chaos" Fate whined, as if they weren't thousands of years old

Arthos rolled his eyes as he stood before the portal, "You know I'm needed as much as I do"

The female, made entirely of white with blue lines across her body sighed, "Fineee"


Guardian went around waking members of the team, with most being awake after a bit. Cyrus had awoken himself before Guardian could wake him, looking rather startled when Guardian flew over before calming down.

"What do you want, Guardian?" Jacob asked tiredly,  sleep deprived after watching Ethan all night. 

He hadn't gotten a wink of sleep, his tired voice said so. Tremya floated over on her cloud and offered Jacob stolen coffee in a cup that said 'This cup belongs to Arthos'. Tremya, nor Jacob, seemed to notice or care.

Jacob took the mug gratefully, "Thank you..."

"Your welcome, I figured you'd need it" Tremya smiled, giving a thumbs up

Jacob nodded and gave her a slight smile. His attention was quickly taken by crashing noises, which was Cyrus storing his stuff into some kind of portal.

Cyrus blinked noticing the gazes and quickly closed the portal he had used, "Don't mind that"

"Okay?" Jacob replied, shrugging it off like everyone else did

Cyrus walked over to Ethan, and asked, "How are you Ethan?"

"Okay I guess..." Ethan mumbled

"I don't know if you'll get the eye back, but its healed enough to not need the bandages" Cyrus told Ethan as he took the bandages off gently

Thankfully the wound had healed, and wasn't infected but there was no signs of Ethan being able to get his eye back.

"Is there anything we can do, Cyrus?" Ethan asked

Cyrus sighed, all the guilt seeping in within mere moments. According to Peach, and her eavesdropping which I was going to leave her parents to deal with, had told me he suggested the name Ethan to Ethan's father. So he cared about Ethan, even if he did disappear before Ethan was born.

"I wish, but the eye seems to be damaged pretty badly. Im sorry" Cyrus answered

Ethan looked heartbroken by such an answer, with tears forming but not falling. Bella hugged him, to which Ethan hugged back tightly.

Cyrus looked at Ethan with a look full of guilt, and sighed, "I'm sorry Ethan..."

Jacob pat Ethan on the back, helping to comfort him. Cyrus sat down next to Ethan, attempting to help comfort Ethan as well.

The moment was ruined when Cyrus's tracker beeps. Cyrus perked up and tapped his pen, showing a hologram that said were Tyrone and the other two were.

"Guardian!" Cyrus called out, running over to Guardian and showing the hologram.

Recently since our last conversation he had been hyper focused on something and then his attention was quickly taken to something else, as if his thoughts were a bit of a mess and he was trying to keep them together.

"What happened?!" Guardian asked, frantically floating over to Cyrus so he didn't have to run so much.

"Nothing yet, but I know where they are at. We must go right now!" Cyrus explained

"Okay. I will gather the team!" Guardian replied, calmed down a bit by the answer, before zooming away to gather the team.

"Thank you!" Cyrus smiled and waited until guardian brought over everyone

Once everyone had been gathered, they stood, waiting expectantly. He smiled confidently, his smile not fake this time. This time, it was a smile full of confidence. A smile that suited him well.

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