Chapter 25

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"Machines make better company than people, they can't have horrible judgement. Only what is right or what is wrong."


I walked through a dark hallway, wondering how I got here in the first place.

Did I wake up and walk to get something? Was this some dumb trick Observer set up?

"Guys?" I called out, hoping to Aphrodite I hadn't lost Ethan again

A long necked creature, masked in darkness lowered from the ceiling. It wasn't facing me.

I blinked, "Thats totally not creepy"

The creature turns around, revealing a large sinister smile with one blue eye illuminating what little of the dark hallway I could see, smiling in a sinister way. It attacked me without giving me a chance to react.

I woke up, and looked around. I wasn't in the dark hallway, and Ethan was talking to Jacob.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes

"A while-" Blood tried to say.

"I'd estimate 9 and a half hours." Guardian interrupted

"You got the exact time. HOW!?" Ethan asked confused

"Weirdo." Jacob commented.

"So now that we got some sleep, what will we do now?" Blood asked

"Wait why are you seeing how long we sleep for?!" Ethan asked.

"Nevermind that. And to answer your question Blood, we are going to gather a slightly larger team in order to defeat these things." Guardian explained.

"Alright, makes sense. But how are we going to get that team?" Blood reminded

"Does anyone feel like everything is slower?" Ethan asked in a strange, slow voice.

"Something does feel... off. Orb mind explaining why?" I glared guardian

"That means... " Guardian...explained?

The rest of what he said was like fast mumbling, which I wasn't going to bother trying to understand.

"- Someone has the time amulet!" Guardian exclaimed

I blinked, "WAit... WHAT?!"

"The time amulet controls time by fast forwarding and slowing time!" Guardian explained

A portal appeared and Tremya fell out of it

I blinked, "Tremya why are you here?"

"To say what guardian just said" Tremya answered

"Oh hello!" Guardian greeted, waving his little blaster arm.

"Hello", Tremya wasn't in her usual child like form, but her actual form for once, "Sorry if I look like a mess, its because someone got the time amulet and I'm desperately trying not to panic"

I looked at her worried, "Oh god last time shit like this happened you were so calm!"

"Well influence didn't FUCK UP TIME-" Tremya huffed

Suddenly a hole in the air formed and attempted to suck Ethan into it. Jacob caught Ethan by the hand and tried pulling him out of the mysterious hole. However, he was struggling to.

I grabbed my spear and attempted to attack the damn thing, "Let go of him you bastard!"

Annoyingly, the hole sucked up my weapon and a small fragment of Ethan's liquid like body.

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