Chapter 28

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"Cyrus is...interesting. He only truly smiles around me, while asking a bunch of questions. He really likes his hobby...I don't mind the questions anyway"


Once we were on the other side of the portal, Ethan was still unconscious. However he didn't seem to be injured badly so it must have be a tranquilizer dart. Guardian was quite panicked, and Bella didn't seem any less panicked.

Since I arrived, I noticed her and Ethan were close. It made sense considering they were dating. He was the one thing that made her violent tendencies less...violent. 

"Guardian do you know something or is it like how it is with tremya?" She asked, referring to how Tremya couldn't get information from time at the moment

Tremya glared Bella and replied with a huff, "I know I'm unfixable but geez!"

"Yeah I don't know much about the situation at the moment." Guardian replied.

"Great job. You got him knocked out Bella" Hellfire commented

"Hellfire, respectfully, fuck off." Bella glared hellfire

Peach threw a small bit of pollen at bella's mouth, "Language"

I looked at Peach, intrigued by such an interesting method of scolding. Jacob laughed, while Bella (annoyed) spit the pollen out. She made sure not to spit the pollen on Ethan.

"Guardian shall we do with ethan until he wakes up?" She asked

Guardian, without a word, injected adrenaline into Ethan.

Ethan jolted awake, "What the-!? Guardian, stop doing that!"

Bella put Ethan down gently, "Well that solves our problem"

"And I suggest you don't create more!" Cryus huffed with a hand on his hip, "Lets not antagonize our enemies, that includes you hellfire, and you too star"

Was he trying to show his anger? Its like a hissing kitten-

Hellfire rolled her eyes, "I'm only here in case the enemy is flammable"

"And for jacob" Peach reminded

Hellfire blushed a little, "hush peach"

"Ok" Peach hushed

"Wait thats not what I meant-" Hellfire didn't expect peach to actually hush

Ethan hugged Bella almost instantly. "I thought I died!"

Bella hugged ethan back, glad he was perfectly fine, "Same here"

"I know only Little of them, like names, and things." I mentioned,"I did write it down." 

"You know their names?" Cyrus asked, taking out his holographic notepad

"There's Lez, Aiofe, Zeno, and Tyrone."  I answered

"Ok, and who is who?" Cyrus asked

"Lez resembles a metal octopus, Aiofe is a multi-colored gas, and Zeno and Tryone are rarely seen." I answered once more

"Ok, thank you!" Cyrus smiled, (one of his few real smiles)

He was quite peculiar, and interesting. I stared at Cyrus for a moment, seemingly pondering on thoughts.

He was quite interesting. The way he helped me replace my battery... its a nice memory. Cyrus just looked at me, smiling unaware of my thoughts.

"We need to find Lez before they do so we can kill him." I suggested.

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