Just stay alive for me, ok? (chapter 34)

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Influence looked at Observer with a look of distain, "What do you want?!"

Observer stared back at her with a look of worry, "Please... I just want to talk..."

Her look went from distain to anger in an instant, "I'm not interested in talking to your pathetic ass!"


Ethan had fallen asleep after a while, with Jacob watching over him. I could sense he was still worried, which was only natural for a brother like him. I knew how it felt to be worried like that.

I looked at Jacob and asked, "Still worried?"

"Very..." Jacob answered, "I've known him my entire life, and to see him like this..... it hurts. But I'll stay strong... for him."

I sat next to Jacob, attempting to comfort him, "I understand. It hurts to watch someone be like someone that you don't know them as, or to just watch them suffer"

"One thing is for sure... He and his team will meet the deepest part of hell and suffer far worse than what he did to Ethan and My Dad." Jacob said, ready to give revenge right at this moment

I blinked but nodded, "But don't get too caught up in revenge, you have people who need you.-"

"Of course I won't!" Jacob assured

I smiled, "Good. Your brother should keep his wound clean and bandaged as much as possible, but other than that he should be fine."

"Okay. I'm just gonna stay near him and let him rest" Jacob replied, glaring Guardian as he did so.

I blinked and laughed a bit, "Alright, let me know if you need to rest yourself. I'll be happy to watch him for you while you sleep"

"I will, thank you" Jacob nodded

I smiled and got up, "Oh course! If you need, I'll be happy to improve your makeshift gun"

"Oh that's okay! I just wanted to watch over Ethan for now!" Jacob replied

I nodded, walking over to a corner so I could fix the machine I made and add it to my pen. It was annoying to carry two machines, and more efficient if they were in one machine. 

Quinn sat next to me, "I told you people appreciate your attempts to help."

Whenever he came to talk to me, my mood just lit up. I don't know what it was, but I felt a bit better just being with him. Oh heavens what was I thinking!? I need to stop thinking these things!

I smiled, "They do... it feels nice not to worry as much if I'm going to fail someone. Thank you for all that you have done, I appreciate it"

"No problem." Quinn replied

I summoned my holographic notepad, "I'm trying to figure out how to deal with the centuar, mainly how to fight them without getting seriously wounded"

"One thing I noticed is he is quick with his reflexes." Quinn replied "Another thing is that he is strong physically."

I wrote that down, "Thank you. I noticed Lexi and his daughter peach have quick reflexes as well, however Lexi only has bombs and I don't know how comfortable Cherry would be with me putting her daughter against the Centuar"

"Fair." Quinn sighed

"Bella told me that Cherry had lost Lexi once before, so I don't want to risk Cherry losing him either." I added

He seemed confused on what do to do, and closed his eyes. I blinked confused, looking at him.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Calculating currently." Quinn answered

A beep from his eye happened once again. "Okay I've calculated every possibility with the knowledge we have." 

I blinked, "Well what are the possiblities?"

"Most are of us dying, being captured, and a small amount of winning this battle, etc." Quinn answered, "However we have a small but decent chance of winning. Most of them excluded me mainly because my interference can rip apart the space time continuum." 

I blinked "Thats unsettling... and not very helpful."

I sighed, "Death or capture isn't really an option here, not one that I can let happen"

"That is why I'll have to fight him." Quinn replied, "Very few possibilities allow me to help but I can still help the team."

Remembering how Henry's journal was burnt I froze. I know I'd have to say goodbye when this is over but I.... honestly don't know. I just...don't want to see him hurt...

"I understand, but will you be ok?" I asked

"My calculations don't go in detail to what happens in the battle as to prevent people from messing up the space time continuum." Quinn answered, "People try to avoid injury and death if they know what will happen. It's human nature."

I sighed, "That makes sense. I'm just worried you will get hurt..."

"Yes, I know, but if it means we can save the Multiverse, then it will be worth it." Quinn reminded,  "But for now we should rest." 

I knew he was right, but those words made me feel uneasy... yet I said nothing about my nervousness.

"Alright..." I mumbled

Quinn lent me a hand, which I took.

"Just, make sure you come back so I can know your ok. Alright?" I asked, nervously fidgeting with my hands, "You know after whatever happens in battle"

"I will." Quinn nodded. "I promise that."

He walked away, as I stood there and realized... I had fallen in love in him...

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