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"My mother was a wonderful woman, she would have loved to meet you peach. She truly would"

Things had been different since her father died, Cherry knew her mother would never smile the same. She looked sad and sick, and she was sick.

Not too long after her father's death, her mother's health started to deteriorate. The doctor didn't know why, which didn't help Cherry who desperately tried to grasp onto her mother's life. Her mother was all she had left after what had happened, and she desperately didn't want to lose that.

She took every precaution possible and gave every pill under the sun that the doctor said to give her, but her mother didn't get better. As she grew up, her mother's condition worsened. She couldn't even drive anymore, forcing Cherry to walk to high school until she got her drivers license.

Cherry's heart ached to see her mother getting worse day by day. Yet her mother, despite the coughing that hurt her throat, would smile and assure Cherry she was ok. Cherry wanted to believe that, so so badly....but even cherry could see her days slowly fading away faster than Cherry was prepared for.

She wasn't mad at her mother for being unable to come to her high school graduation, she knew her mother was too weak to try and get out of the house anymore. She could barely get up these days. She didn't throw her hat in the air, just so she could take it home and show her mom. So she could throw it in the air in front of her mother.

"Mother I'm ho-"

Cherry froze as she saw her mother on the ground, eyes closed. She ran to her mother and quickly tried to find her pulse... and thank god there was a faint one.

"Cherry... don't worry..." Her mother assured with a weak smile

"You can't go! I'm not ready!" Cherry cried

Her mother just smiled, "I know your child will be just as beautiful as you are, my only regret is I won't get to meet them"

Cherry smiled sadly as she hugged her mother, crying. She felt her mother's life fade right in her arms... but she wasn't scared. She was ready, more ready than Cherry had been...

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