Fated Bonds

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The very thing that controls where you go, where you end up, who you end up with. It's how your path is destined to go, no matter how you fight it.

You can fight it, and maybe if you're lucky your fate will change depending on the choice you made. Disappearing without a trace, without a goodbye, would certainly do it.

Cyrus had been destined to leave, everything would become too much for him eventually. Athros knew that, he knew of Cyrus's horrible fate while he stayed. He tried to help as much as he could, but fate is an interchangeable thing.

He knew Tiempo's fate was to be foolish, to fall in love with a man who could care less about their children. Only wanting them for his greedy desires, using her as a pawn to get the desires he wanted. And all he could do was watch as she walked right into her horrible fate.

Fate and Love got along, but not always did the two who truly loved each other would get their happy ending. Fate is cruel, heartless, not caring what happens as long as it happens. He loved Tiempo, with her beautiful blue hair that blowed oh so beautifully when she danced gracefully.

He could see the hours, the days, she put into practicing. Into her dance to impress someone that wasn't him. It was never him, not until she realized what her fate was. A fate she couldn't escaped. It pained him, but they were never fated.

He could never love another god, never have a child with another god. He remembered how his mother told him the other gods desired the string of fate, how it couldn't be tainted by any other god's powers. The string of fate was powerful, dangerous in anyone's hands.

He felt horrible for every lie he had to tell his wife, how he lied she was everything to him as she died in the bed they shared again and again before her death. And how he had to lie to his kids, for the sake of his children. Had to lie to Tiempo every time she came to tell him her woes.

Being fate was painful, it hurt more knowing you were trapped. Limited.

He watched Tiempo held his hands, begging to take the string of fate he'd been forcing himself to avoid. To accept the love for her that she'd finally allowed for him, out of desperation to get out of her horrible situation. To go against everything he knew and have an affair with her.

He sighed, holding her hands and denying that offer he'd longed for. Taking it would only cause her more pain, and a child that was never meant to be born.

"Why Arthos?! Why?" She cried, begging desperately

"It will only cause you more pain. What would your husband say when you get pregnant with a child that isn't his?"

Her desperation only increased, "That won't happen! He won't know!"

"He's the god of knowledge, he'd know no matter how hard we hide it. And a child would be created, their powers a mix of ours."

She stared, not wanting to accept reality. She begged and pled, holding his hands. He let go of her hands.

"Tiempo I know it hurts. Do you know how it hurt to lie to her!? Thats fate! Fate is cruel and heartless. You don't care because this is better than what you have, you have nothing to lose but I do! I have children! I have things to lose!"

He turned away from her, forcing her hands to let go of his.

"Its fate. Cyrus was always meant to leave. You were always meant to end up like this. But us... we were never meant to be together."

He walked away, as she cried and pleaded for him to come back. To not go. To not let this string of a "better hope" shorten into tiny treads. Yet, he didn't turn around and come back. He left, with his heart aching from all the pain he would continue to carry.

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