A certain child

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The halls were quiet. Znaniye was just quiet and obedient in nature. Something he liked. Especially when Tremya was the opposite of that. Stubborn. A fighter like her mother used to be. He would have forced another child out of her after the events of influence but she started going on her downward spiral and then disappeared.

Znaniye sat in her mother's chair. It had been a wedding gift from Arthos. As much as he tried to toss it out, Tiempo had brought it back. The wood was scratched up so much you could hardly read the message carved into it: que su belleza y amor florezca. It meant "may your love and beauty bloom".

Tiempo didn't know what it meant. She didn't know it was a message from a man who loved her dearly. Tremya's father hated that. Hated that man. A man he could never get out of Tiempo's life. He tried and tried to get him out of her support system. He was the only one in it, the rest of her support system had become busy and unaware or died. Arthos was the busiest of the gods, with four other jobs relying on his. Yet he seemed to have more and more time! Hell he had even started a task force! So why was it so hard!? Even when Tiempo disappeared without a trace, he was still somehow there. At least Tremya's father assumed so when he got knowledge of Tiempo having a son. He knew damn well it wasn't his with her having been gone.

Distant baby babbles told him exactly where his wife was. He shoved the servants out of way and ran into the room. There Tiempo stood, holding a light skinned child with white hair that faded into Tiempo's blue. There was a smile on her face, one he hadn't seen since Tremya was born.


Tiempo's smile faded instantly. He noted she even set up the crib they had used when Znaniye was born.

"What Kilos?" She snapped, yet her arms held the child closer.

"Who's child is that?" He asked, anger boiling in his blood.

"Genetically Arthos'. Arthos declined an affair with me, this child was made because I requested it." Tiempo answered.

Her words were the truth. His power told him so. And thats what pissed him off. The fact she loved and yearned hopelessly for someone who everyone knew could only marry mortals. Arthos was a god of fate. They only married mortals. Every god knew that.

"Why are you here after abandoning your duties? You do realize thanks to you I have no time god heir?!"

Tiempo rolled her eyes, "I was only here for supplies. Nothing more."

She grabbed a bag and walked past him. Kilos grabbed the bag strap.

"If you leave I'll kill the monstrosity in your arms."

That caught her attention right away. Thankfully since Tremya had taken over her duties as soon as she disappeared, the room didn't threaten to fall apart from the instability of her emotions.

"His name is Zelo and don't you dare!" She snapped, immediately becoming defensive over a god made spawn.

As much as he hated the spawn, he knew it was the only card he could use.

"I'll let you raise that thing if you stay here and pretend like you didn't abandon your duties. Znaniye still needs to be married off."

She relaxed, sighing in defeat but still holding Zelo.

"Fine. I agree to your terms but you aren't getting another child out of me. Tremya has already taken over as time god for the time being." She snapped, dropping the bag and walking back into the room.

Zelo woke up after sleeping through the conversation, crying. Tiempo smiled again and soothed the monstrosity, glaring Kilos to leave when Zelo continued to cry. Kilos scoffed and rolled his eyes, closing the door on his way as she always liked.

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