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"Smile, sit there, talk.... smile, sit there, talk...smile, sit there, talk....SMILE WHILE SITTING THERE AND TALK NORMALLY....!"

A pink haired male dressed in a the pink suit decorated with white and gold sat at his desk that was mainly cluttered with all kinds of things his mother wanted him to pay attention to. He could barely bring himself to look at them. The papers were boring and stressful, constantly reminding him of things she had thought he'd forgotten but really just didn't want to do.

Yet among the room cluttered with pink and overly fancy decorations, with the other fancy outfits nicely hung up in his closet, he was smiling. Smiling as he wrote, carefully writing each letter in cursive...

The harsh click clack of heels as his mother walked closer to his room snapped him out of his thoughts with a jolt. He shoved the journal away and put the pen, all be it a pink pen with a heart that he wished he could just toss out of his room, back in his suit pocket. Forcing himself to hide the nervousness he grabbed his almost finished braid and put his hands back on it.

His mother slammed the door open, damaging the already damaged wall that she would scold him for over and over again because of course it was his fault. Always was, he was never good enough. Always failing her. Heavens it was a surprise he hadn't just bolted to go and fail everyone else while he was at it!

"Cyrus." His mother, Venus snapped harshly

Cyrus didn't turn around. He didn't want to look at her horrible face of rage or disappointment that she gave satan her soul for...probably. If she knew he called her a burning demon from hell she'd scold him on how that was harsh and not PERFECT enough to describe her PERFECT WONDERFUL FACE.

"CYRUS!" Venus snapped, not having the patience for her background characters as always

"Yes, mother?" He asked with a proper voice as he put the fancy gold color hair tie on to finish his braid

"Heavens it took you this long to get ready?! Perfect knows how long to take you know!" Venus scolded harshly

Cyrus flinched and quickly forced himself to sit perfectly before his mother scolded that to. He forced the panic down into a figurative pit of darkness, he couldn't fail. No. He couldn't.

"I'm sorry mother...." He mumbled, looking to the side

"Whatever, your sister is ready and we must go. Metis will be pissed if we are the LAST one there! You are lucky that they only have a son or you'd marry into their family." Venus snapped, walking out of the room.

Cyrus sighed but forced himself to look proper and followed as he ignored the urge to fidget with his pen. He did that and Venus snapped at him for how ungrateful he was to watch Tiempo reform her ballet moves when she had to be practically "begged like the stupid spoiled little daddy's girl she was". 

Aphrodite shined in her beautiful pink dress with clear pink jewels that had gold decorating it. Her expression hid any emotions she would have, or had. At times, Cyrus envied how she seemed so perfect. More perfect than he was supposed to be. But then he was just reminded of her pure and happy smile she had when she was but a mere toddler. It pained him to see that expression that hid what would be a beautiful smile to anyone who saw it...

Like his own home he walked, the halls were decorated with paintings and gold. Shining brighter than any hope Cyrus could merely wish for. Everyone was dressed in suits and beautiful shining dresses that looked more beautiful than his own. Of course, as always he wasn't enough...

Venus went over to talk to Metis and his wife, who talked about their perfect son. Cyrus rolled his eyes at the mere thought of that jerk. He always bragged about how perfect he was and how he was the best, which only Tiempo seemed to love listening to. Cyrus wanted to shout in her face about how much of a spoiled brat she was. Heavens, how did she even have morals?!

Desperately, Cyrus scanned the crowd for even a glimpse of Henry. He felt his heart sink as his brain processed the fact Henry was no where to be found in his miserable dinner party. Cyrus wasn't surprised, the creation family was always mysterious... never following the rules of the god's social construct. Then again, with their careful managing they could live for heavens knows how long....at least that was the rumor.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when Arthos came to talk to him, just as proper as everyone else.... just as predictable. Everyone was. On one hand, it was nice. No need to worry about what to say, just say this or that and they'd be pleased. On the other hand it was boring.... and boredom always made the increasing panic start to cave in. He had no time to cry and break down here, his mother would kill him!

Cyrus smiled, responding with the proper phrases and sentences that fit the situation. He did this with one person, and then another, and then another. He had been in so many conversations all the words and faces blurred together until Gaia rang the dinner bell with her annoying smile.

"Attention, Attention~!" She spoke in a beautiful sing song voice that made Cyrus's ears want to bleed.

Everyone turned their heads and bodies over in the direction of Gaia in her hourglass dress, decorated with a lighter shade of green than the dress itself and jewels of the same color. Moving like she was still underwater along the 'oh so wonderful sea life' she had grown up. She smiled as she let Metis hold her hip so she wouldn't fall with the water under her dress that kept her from becoming the dinner itself.

"Dinner is ready, please please, take your seats" She spoke gracefully, dinging the bell gently with her finger two times.

To no surprise, the dinner was fish with kelp and seaweed that decorated the actual side dishes. Metis helped her sit down and she thanked him with a kiss on the lips. Cyrus wanted to gag at how the kiss took some of her light green lipstick off and smeared on Metis's face but he resisted the urge. He grabbed the correct fork with the correct knife and ate the food in the correct way, as the others did so too.

The dinner room became full of chattering among the adults, most of the gods-to-be like Cyrus just let their parents talk and eat unless they were sitting next to the god they wanted to marry. Arthos had to keep declining marriage offers the entire dinner, most of which Cyrus didn't bother to pay attention to. Gaia rang the dinner bell again, confusing Cyrus. Dinner was already being eaten, what the hell was she ringing it for now!?

"Now now, it is time to reveal the reason for this that you have all been waiting for~!" Gaia said happily with that sing-song voice again

"Yes, as you all know it is the time to prepare our heirs to take our places." Metis explained

"And that means marriage time~!" Gaia rejoiced, again with that sing song voice as she jumped onto her husband's lap.

Metis switched her mermaid tail for a pair of legs, so she could sit more comfortable on his lap. Cyrus couldn't even be grossed out by the hidden meanings, he froze when the marriage part was mentioned. 


He wasn't ready for marriage, or a wife! The thought of kissing a female made him sick... more or less the thought of having to have children with that same female.... to act as if he loved her. Heavens, he wanted to puke. All these thoughts made him sick. He didn't want the role, and Aphrodite was so much better for it than he was! She could find a human or god she tolerated to do her duty with ease! Aphrodite was always calm and loyal to whatever duty was assigned to her. The duty of just sitting in the background didn't suit her. 

Gaia started asking each god-to-be if they had someone to marry, as she reassured them this was just the start of the process. If they had one, good, no need for it. If they didn't, then was the time to start. Cyrus felt sick, and the panic was seeping in.

He stood up, "I'm sorry, can I please be excused?"

Gaia blinked but smiled, shifting in her husband's lap slightly (while Cyrus tried not to think of what hidden thing was under there that kept making her shift ever so slightly), "Of course dear!"

Cyrus smiled and nodded, "Thank you"

He quickly walked to one of the fancy restrooms and puked into the trashcan, letting himself sob as he thanked the heavens he was in the farthest restroom from the dinner table full of marriage talk and people making it more enjoyable than visible to the naked eye.

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