Chapter 27

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"You know I used to tell myself it was just a nightmare until my nightmare followed me-"


"We've came up with a plan and we now need to find them." Guardian told Quinn

"Interesting. Now that we have a plan, we should-" However, Quinn was interrupted by loud thunder.

"Oh great what fucking card are they pulling up their sleeve now?" Bella grumbled, looking annoyed as she used a no-no word

Cyrus got startled by the noise, the noise having scared him for a moment.

"Lez. Where are you?" One asked 

"LEZ! GET OVER HERE, YOU MORON!" Another shouted, rudely

"hide.." Ethan whispered, a bit of panic and fear in his voice. 

Cyrus nodded, and quickly lead us to a hiding spot. While we hid, Quinn looked outside and saw a red headed woman in a purple high tech suit with a green glow. 

She looked rather rude and clearly didn't have good intentions. I'll throw pollen in her face later.

" Oh, it's Valeria." Quinn mumbled

"Who?" Cyrus asked, appearing out of no where

"Hi, Cyrus. In case you're wondering, Valeria is my ex-girlfriend." Quinn replied.

"Oh...that makes more sense now." Cyrus whispered back

He went silent after that, too worried if he would mess up again. He was only like that around Quinn, or at least it was only noticeable when he was around Quinn.

Valeria spotted the house we were in and started talking to someone. 

"Hey, Meatheads! Check out that house right there. I bet there's some good crap we can steal!" Valeria pointed out with a laugh 

Her laugh was annoying and it hurt my ears, I really wanted to throw pollen at her.

"Now is not the time to steal stuff, Valeria." The warped voice shot back

"Oh come on, Aiofe! You're no fun!" Valeria huffed

Cyrus seemed rather annoyed by Valeria, but he just kept the smile on his face. His annoyance still showed through.

Bella blinked, 'I'll never understand my uncle I swear"

"Me neither.." Ethan shrugged.

Blood shrugged, "At least hes not an asshole"

"I can hear you ya know." Cyrus grumbled

"what happened to hiding?" Guardian asked

"We are hiding. Now shush before they hear you all!" Hellfire whisper-hissed

Valeria then went to the house and looked through the window. 

"It looks cozy in there... Too cozy!" Valeria exclaimed

"How about we trash the place?!" Valeria said with excitement  

"We're here to find that Ethan fellow so we can bring him to our real boss. Not to screw around!" Aiofe snapped

"Well they could be in there!" Valeria grumbled, annoyed 

"They aren't that stupid to hide in a cozy cottage in the middle of a crime infested town!" Aiofe pointed out, despite the fact we ironically were in here.

"Oh hush, Aiofe! Let's see who's inside" Valeria rolled her eyes and banged on the door.

As if god hear my prayers, the door seemed to be quite stuck. I doubted it'd last but at least it seemed to annoy her more.

"Aiofe! Surround the house!" Valeria ordered

Aiofe seemed to be a multi colored gas with a lot of eyes on it and a tail of some kind.

Bella grumbled, mumbling something along the lines of 'why does everyone want Ethan' or something like that. Cyrus took note of who was who in his holographic notepad, prepared to protect anyone from a oncoming attack. 

Aiofe surrounded the house in a thick multicolored fog. Not caring at this point, Bella summoned a weapon that thankfully didn't make noise. Ethan got up as he noticed the fog was too thick to see through.

"I think we can still sneak ou-" Ethan was interrupted by a clone of Bella, who had light pink eyes that faded into white.

Bella had pink eyes, normal pink eyes. This clone wasn't Bella. Jacob went to help, attempting to pull away this other Bella but before he could grab 'her', it puffed away into the same gas.

"Dammit its an illusion!" Star grumbled

"Come on, AGAIN!?" Bella shot back


Soon the door broke down. 


Cyrus flinched when he heard the door break down, yet he prepared for an attack. His pen was ready to summon an attack, yet it seemed to flicker. Ethan summoned some black liquid looking hands and blocked the doorway. After the fog went away, Valeria perked up. 

"Oh it's you, Quinn.." she grumbled with disappointment 

'And she looks as annoying as she sounds' Cyrus thought, I could tell because it was literally all over his face.

Quinn didn't reply.

"Oh. You're still the coward you once were!" Valeria scoffed

"Keep your ugly little mouth shut won't you?" Star snapped, annoyed by Valeria, "It'd be quite useful."

"You're not much of a looker yourself, kid." Valeria responded

Star rolled her eyes, "I'm not trying to be a attention straving bitch like you clearly"

"Whatever, I'm just here to bring that twerp to my boss." Valeria responded

"Who?" Cyrus asked, with a smile that is quite annoying

He knew who she meant, he was doing it to annoy her.

"Ethan of course!" Valeria snapped,  "I'm just trying to get my pay from my customer, so hand him over!" 

Cyrus laughed, as if this was amusing, "Go ahead bella"

Bella nodded, "No. I will not hand my boyfriend over to you."

"Oh, I wasn't asking," Valeria said, pulling out an advanced gun of some kind, "I'm demanding!"

"Oh I'm sooo scared" Bella sarcastically replied

Valeria shoots Ethan, causing him to pass out. Smart move Bella, now hes passed out.

"Ethan!" Bella grabbed Ethan quickly, "The heck, was that some kind of dart!?"

"I'd rather not find out." Cyrus answered, getting in front of her and Ethan, "We have to do something or Ethan might not be in our hands for much longer." 

Jacob stands in front of the team and switches his hand for the weird machine he made earlier.

"What the hell is that piece of crap- " before Valeria could finish, she got shot in the leg.

"Hell yeah it works!" Jacob yelled, "Let's get out now!"

"The fuck did you make Jacob!?" Hellfire asked

Cyrus opened a portal, not using his pen in case it wouldn't work, "Come on get in now!"

Bella, with ethan was the first to get into the portal

"It's a functioning revolver!" Jacob answered, before he ran into the portal.

Guardian and some of the others ran in without a word. Including me.

"What!?" Hellfire turned to guardian, "You said he wouldn't be able to add guns to it!"

"He must have figured out how to make a custom attachment." Guardian replied.

Hellfire sighed, "Jacob I swear if you somehow shoot yourself with that-"

Cyrus mumbled something in weird sounds...? I couldn't even understand what he was saying but it seemed to be aimed towards Valeria judging by his face.

"I WON'T!" Jacob replied

"Yeah, sure you won't do it again." Dad scoffed rolling his eyes.

Mom lightly scolded dad for that.

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