Glitches and Holograms

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Attack after attack, thats usually how it went every battle. She just smiled and blocked each one.





She knew each attack he threw at her. Two attacks at once? She blocked one and then the other mere seconds before they hit her. It was aggravating!

"Why must you block all of my attacks!?"

She smiled, "Im mysterious for a reason darling~"

"Quit calling me that!"

She giggled, "Hmm let me think, nah"

"Can't you just attack me instead of constantly blocking?!"

There was a sinister glint in her eyes, "Be careful what you wish for"

"Huh what do you-"

Observer was cut off by a swipe of a holographic sword, which almost grazed his face. He backed away, only to be knocked off his feet and the sword aimed at his neck. She smiled, not stabbing the sword into his neck.

"Now you rather I block?" She teased.

He summoned an attack and threw it at her. Quickly she backed away, and the fight resumed.




He used his portals to throw her off balance, yet she just used them to get behind him. He narrowly avoided her surprise behind attacks.







She sent more attacks his way, still smiling even if none of the attacks hit him.

"Your so much fun to fight darling, you know that?"

"I told you to quit calling me that!"

He sent more attacks her way, and faster. She blocked them and attempted to slice him again. He dodged each attack. Battles between them often went like this. While the rest of the team fought against the infected, it was just him and her fighting against each other. He knew her purpose was to distract him away from the battle so the team could focus on the infected. He knew this entire battle was as good as worthless. They both knew each other's attacks well, or at least decently well with Observer being surprised by Tremya's sword fighting skills. For someone who stayed in the form of her child self most of the time, she sure was full of surprises. Perhaps thats why he tried so hard. Tried to defeat her as much as she tried to defeat him. He knew she loved these battles, they both had the same speed and skill. To a future god like her the battles were the same as sparring. There wasn't many with the same strength as her after all. Observer could understand that.

And so the battle continued while Observer wondered. Wondered why he felt so strongly to fight against this one person instead of stopping her team, and Star who constantly rebelled against the minion infecting her. Wondered how someone who chose to stay in a child like form would have so much skill. How old was she really? Surely Influence would know if he asked. Then she'd ask why he cared about an enemy so much, and that was a conversation he'd rather avoid. He did not want to explain his fixation with trying to defeat Tremya despite knowing it was impossible. She probably didn't even take the battle seriously with the number of times she called him darling. How he loathed that nickname.





Again and again, he sent an attack toward her. She blocked. She sent an attack. He dodged. The battle continued in the background, the actual battle he knew he should be apart of. Tremya attacked him again, smiling with that smile he just wanted to rip off her face.

"Focus on the battle darling~"

He attacked her. She blocked and attacked back. Her power made it impossible for her to keep track of details. So how did she know his attack pattern so well? Was it her power to know all of time that made it so she knew each attack he'd throw? He didn't know. He just knew to attack and dodge.


Observer didn't know who yelled it, and neither did she. But she obeyed, smiling and waving goodbye before following the rest of her team. He stood there, cursing himself for the fact Tremya hadn't been defeated. She floated away with that sly smile. That smile that he was determined take for his own.

"Observer?" His lord's voice asked.

Observer turned around and faced Influence, "Yes my lord?"

"Why are you so intent on fighting her?" 

"She's trying to destory you" Observer answered, not the true reason but not a lie either.

Influence seemed satisfied with the answer, accepting it and deciding not to ask further. 

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