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I woke up in a very warm and soft bed. The memories of last flashing through my head causing me to immediately shoot up.

On the nightstand sat a note that said to take a shower, put on some clothes, and meet them downstairs.

I picked up the clothes and made a disgusted face. No way i'm wearing that shit. Due to the work my "father" made me do I had a well built figure and these shorts would be too tight. The shirt would also squeeze the life out of my chest.

I walked to the dresser only to find neatly folded male's clothes. Jackpot.

I found a pair of joggers and a regular shirt in which would be oversized on me since i'm small.

Cursing my height genetics.

I walked to the bathroom that was connected and saw a huge shower and a big tub. I entered the shower carefully washing my body and the dried up blood.

I hissed at the hot water touching my skin but I left it on due to the pain turning into confort. Something I was in need of.

I used the shampoo and conditioner that was in the shower already to wash my hair.

I was mentally thankful that my hair wasn't too tangled, but I didn't feel like spending all day detangling it.

Once I finished, I quickly got dressed and dried my hair with the towel. I scanned the cabinets for a toothbrush and fortunately I found a brand new one. An expensive looking one at that.

I quickly finished getting ready, grabbing my previous clothes off the floor and leaving the bathroom.

"Damn this place is nice...." I muttered to myself as I found myself somewhat lost in this place.

"Excuse me, can you please show me where the others are?" I asked the man who seemed to be on guard duty. He nodded and motioned his arm to the elevator. "Right this way miss."

Once we arrived on the 1st floor, I observed the mansion is awe. The main colors that covered and decorated the home was Red and Black making everything look even nicer.

"Nice of you to finally join us, sweetheart" An unfamiliar voice said from behind me. I turned around quickly and took a few steps back.

The raven haired man had a presence that screamed authority. Slightly frightening me, but I choose to hold my ground.

"I have a name and it's not Sweetheart." The man slightly chuckled causing the guard to look at him in utter disbelief. "Anyway I would like to thank you all for your hospitality but I will be taking my leave now." His smile slightly faltered.

"What's the rush? You've only just arrived dear." He guiding me into the dinning room. "I rather not be a bigger burden, Sir." He smirked.

"Nonsense. Also the name is Madara, it's a pleasure to meet you." He said raising my hand to his lips placing a kiss on my knuckles.

"Y/N and likewise." I said with a nod as if my breath did not just hitch. He smirked and ushered me to a seat at the corner of the table beside him.

He took his seat at the head of the table. The others occasionally shot glances at me and I just looked dumbfounded. After breakfast, I finally had caught up to Itachi and Obito thanking them for helping me.

"Uhm Sir Madara?" He smirked turning his attention to you. He admired the way his name rolled off your tongue. "Do you mind dropping me off in town-?"

"Hm, what's the rush y/n?" He asked as his face held disapproval. "I- n-nothing I just need to return home now, that's all."

My friend is still there with that monster.

"Come with me, (Y/n)." He ordered and ushered Izuna to come as well. I nodded and entered the elevator with them.

We walked into a big office and Madara motioned for me to sit in a chair, which I did.

He sat behind the desk Izuna was leaning on. "So y/n right?" He asked and I nodded.

"Words babygirl" I gulped at his tone. "Y-yes." He smiled and pulled out a file.

"At first I expected you to not be a spy but you have the background of one. No siblings, a criminal record, and it says you are 6 years old,-" Be scrunched up his face.

"What the hell?" I stood up glaring at them.

"Have a seat y/n, we aren't done." Madara ordered.

"Like hell I will. I thanked you for your hospitality, not for you to go do research on me and find out who the fuck I am!" I scoffed and began walking towards the door.

Before my finger tips could reach the door knob, my forearm was grabbed securely and I was thrown back into the chair.

"Do you think this is a game y/n?" Izuna glared as he placed his hands on the chair's arms. "I never said it was. I don't even know who you are and yet you're acting as if own me or some shit." His jaw clenched as I smiled victoriously.

It wasn't my goal to get on their bad side but they are really starting to piss me off.

"I can assure you if I wanted to, I could." He said with a smirk. "Oh darling, go buy a brain." I said matching his smirk. He chuckled and leaned against his dark oak desk.

Madara and Izuna never had someone who had spoken so out of line to them. Normally they would've been disposed of before they could even get the words out.

However, they allowed a mere stranger to do so. A smirk made it's way onto Madara's face as amusement danced in his eyes.

"Y/n. It's disrespectful to not show your manners and i'm only saying this once." He walked around his desk and grabbed my chin.

"Get that sweet little mouth of yours under control before I do something that you will regret." My eyes widened slightly and I nodded. He shot me glance as if we was waiting on me to say something.

I fought back the urge to rolled my eyes and gritted my teeth. "Yes sir."

"Good." He leaned on the desk behind him and opened the file once more.

"Tell me. How old are you because you don't look six years old to me."

"I'm 20 years old."

"Then why is this legal file of you so out of date, hm?"

"Because I was proclaimed as dead. That's when my foster father adopted me, there will be no records of me that you'll be able to find that go past the age 6." I slightly laughed.

"Why were you said to be dead and who was the man that adopted you" My smile faltered and my expression grew cold.

Izuna and Madara looked at me expectantly for an answer that I would never give.

"I'm not fond of repeating myself y/n." He stared into my eyes.

"Well that's too bad huh?" I scoffed and stared at the floor.

"Izuna?" Madara watched me in amusement with his arms crossed. "Yeah?" He responded.

"Feel free to show y/n her new room." Madara said with an evil grin as my eyes widened. "That wasn't the deal Madara!"

"We had no such thing."

"Hey g-get your hands off of me!" I said attempting to hit him but he didn't budge.

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