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After what felt like decades, the man finally pulled out a folder and a fancy pen. From what I paid attention to, this man is sharing his drug shipments with Madara.

The thing about these contracts is the fine print that is never read. If one of the joint suppliers were to basically "die", the other had full access to their reserves.

So that's your plan here Madara. This is all a way for you to gain more power.

"Now that everything is handled. Please stay and treat yourselves to the food and party." The pale man raised his glass.

I smirked as I uncrossed my arms picking up a glass but not drinking it.

Madara looked at Izuna who merely nodded and took a phone call. He switched his gaze to me with nothing but a serious expression.

"Don't disappoint me Y/n." I nodded and heard a ten-second countdown in my earpiece.

The pale man motioned me to a dance. Madara forced an approving nod.


"You've caught my attention this whole night. It's not normal to see the Uchiha openly with a woman."


"What exactly are you implying?" His hand moved closer to my rear and he stared at me with lust-filled eyes.


"What is your worth to them? I can pay you double." He dipped me and I made eye contact with a fuming Izuna.


"I am nothing to them," I say with a straight face but his eyes held distrust.

A more sensual song played off the speakers and he grabbed a handful of my rear. I gasped in shock and stared into his eyes.


"That can't be true, just by looking at how they are barely containing their anger by me touching you. I wonder what they would do if I fucked you-" My eyes squinted in distaste but I masked it well.

Suddenly the lights shut off, which shouldn't have happened yet. The countdown was well stopped and I heard a single gunshot and then the feeling of a strong grip on my arm.

Screams resonated throughout the room. "I got her." I heard Sasuke through the earpiece and in front of me. I clenched my fist in annoyance.

I was pushed into the vehicle we arrived in and stared at them in disbelief. "Are you shitting me!" I rubbed my face in disbelief.

"It's already done. There is no need to cause a scene-"

"You stole my fucking kill! I would say that's a damn problem Sasuke." I spat.

No one responded only pissing me off even more. The way back to the mansion was tense. I was silently fuming the entire time.

Once we arrived I slammed the truck's door shut. Glaring at them all as they exited the different cars.

"Y/n get inside," Sasuke ordered. "No. The deal is over, so I get to leave now."

This time I had to be smart with it. If I were to get double-crossed, I had a way to get away.

"It's midnight y/n. Where are you going to go, hm? You have no one." Sasuke seethed.

"Y/n come to my office so we can discuss it," Madara said looking at me expectantly. "No, we are fine discussing it right here."

The guards' faces showed visible shock at the disrespect I used at Madara. One that no one ever dared to use.

"Y/n-" I cut him off and scoffed. "Yeah, I know you don't like repeating yourself. So what, it doesn't matter now does it?" I pressed.

"Keep your end of the agreement Madara." I spat. He released a dark chilling glare and laughed.

"Y/n, you didn't complete your assignment." He stated causing my eyes to widen. "Yes, I did! I did exactly what you told me to do. You are the selfish man that was so willing to do it for me!" I hadn't noticed how close he was now.

"Did my angel just call me selfish?" I looked at him flabbergasted before pure annoyance covered my features. "That's all you got from that?"

"Y/n we will discuss this in the morning." I shook my head in anger and clinched my fist at the man who completely brushed me off.

The mission is over so I technically can leave. So that's what I'm going to do. I went to the driver and bumped into him but in reality, I stole his keys.

I grinned successfully and kept walking inside. This was a backup, if Madara were to double-cross me I'd be in that car in a flash.

Save me | yandere! (various uchiha) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now