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Tears rolled down my face as I shut my eyes tightly gripping the counter. I locked the doors and grabbed the emergency phone.

"Y/n I was worried! Is everything alright?" Aki said in distress. "He has Arata. Don't come home. No matter what."

"Y/n I will not leave you with that man!" She argued. "Aki just please listen to me on this. I- don't want to see you hurt."

I ran. to my bedroom grabbing the emergency bag that I had. I unlocked the safe grabbing the revolver and cash. Aki's sniffles were heard on the other end.

"I need you to get in contact with Detective Ibiki."

"You mean the one from years ago?" I sighed. "He knows everything. He will help you. While you have the chance leave town-"

I heard a knock on the front door. "Aki they are back- promise me you will leave."

"Y/n no-"

"Aki, please. Genma wouldn't want you here worrying about him either. I will get Arata back safely but I can't do that if I'm worried about you too." I pleaded,

"Make it back safely Y/n." The call ended. I no longer heard the knocking on the door which only meant one thing.

Whoever that was...they were now inside.

"Y/n, if you cooperate this will be easier!" A voice boomed.


I hid inside my wardrobe with my revolver which only contained 2 of 6 bullets due to my rushing to hide.

I heard several footsteps entering the room I was in.

My silenced phone hung in my other hand. Only one call. A text could work but I'll be lucky if I'm able to send the message.

'Hmm what to do, what to do?' I thought to myself tapping my revolver against my temple.

The call connected.

"Genma. Don't come home-"


I was pulled harshly out of the wardrobe. I shot one of the males closest to me but it managed to hit his shoulder and draw the attention of everyone else in my house.

A hard metal collided with my head causing me to drop down in shock and pain. A man kicked my gun under my bed as I tried to reach for it.

Two men on each of me dragged me by my arms and into my living room. I raised my eyes only to be met with multiple dark dominating gazes.

"It would've been nice if you corporated, sweetheart. Now look at yourself. You're bleeding on your floor." Sasuke said with slight sarcasm causing me to roll my eyes.

"Now," Izuna said clapping. He stood up off my couch and squatted in front of me. "Are you going to make this easier for yourself or not?"

"Fuck you." I spat, glaring at him from under my bangs. "Arata" My eyes grew wide.

"That's a beautiful name, right?" He said teasingly. "If you hurt my son I will kill you." I spat.

Shisui walked up to us with a crazed smirk and handed Madara a familiar phone but it was covered in blood. My heart stopped but my breath seemed to quicken and tears welled up in my eyes.

He unlocked it and tapped the screen. Waving it in the air. It was Genma's phone.

"w-what is wrong with you?" I said through my clenched teeth and tears. "Where is he!" I shouted causing my voice to echo through my home.

"Genma, was it?" Itachi asked with a grin. "Don't you dare lay a single hand on them!" I shouted bitterly.

"Look, fellas. All of that determination in her beautiful eyes!" Madara clapped.

"I'm going to ask you again beautiful. Do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?" I raised my head and stared into Shisui's dark eyes. "Fuck you."

"With pleasure." He said making my eyes widen. Obito stood up and stalked over to me with a shit-eating grin.

"Stand up." I was pulled off the ground by my throat. "S-Sto-p" I exclaimed hitting his hand with whatever strength I had left.

"I don't think you realize the trouble you've caused us alone, y/n. And now you speak to us bitterly?" He squeezed harder causing my vision to turn dark.

"Alright, Obito," Madara said calmly making him drop me onto the floor. I gasped for my breath in between coughs and he squatted down raising my chin with his index finger.

"Who's the rat in the police department that has been helping you?" He said with his arms crossed. Izuna walked behind me raising me on my two feet again.

Obito twirled a beautiful knife with a red gem on it. My weight was being held up by Izuna as I had felt incredibly tired.

"5 years...I can't believe it really." Obito stated darkly shaking his head.

A few tears rolled down my face. I tried to turn my head and look away but he firmly gripped my jaw. "" I mumbled in between exhales.

I felt a warm liquid roll down the side of my head. "He's home."

He leaned down to my height and stared into my eyes causing me to slightly falter back in fear. He briefly looked at Izuna and then at Madara who nodded.

A hand clasped a cloth over my mouth causing me to panic and squirm around. I tried to hold my breath but the drug effect had already taken effect.

Save me | yandere! (various uchiha) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now