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I was startled of out my sleep as two men entered the room dragging me out of bed.

"H-hey what the fuck are you doing?!" I shouted frantically hitting them. I tried to pry my arms out of their grip but it only hurts me in the end.

We took the elevator to the 4th floor and then they dragged me out once more.

The further we walked down the hall the more I slightly recognized it. They were taking me to Madara's office.

"Get your fucking hands off of me you assholes!" I punched and kicked but nothing did the trick.

As soon as we arrived at the door a husky voiced boomed from behind it. "Come in."

They threw me onto the floor in front of the large wooden oak desk causing me to scoff and fix my clothing.

"Assholes." I spat at the guards. "You're dismissed." He told the two guards.

"So y/n... I'm growing tired of this foolish game you think you have going on here." He walked to the wall by the burning fire place.

"I'm only going to ask this one time. However, if you lie to me. I will make your time here a living hell." He said in a tone that told me he wasn't joking. A tone that sent fear into my body.

"Mr. Madara I don't even want to be here. You are the one who's making me stay here-"

"So you choose to lie?" My eyes widened. He approached my chair and glared at me mercilessly.

"W-what i'm not lying!" I tried to reason. "Do you not know who I am y/n?"

"No i do not." He leaned down to my level and stared me blankly into my eyes.

"My name is Madara Uchiha." He said causing my eyes to widen and my body slightly shook.

That would explain the presence this man held behind him, the power. He is an Uchiha.

They are all Uchihas.

My foster father's biggest enemy. The ones he tried to sell me off to marry. A business man, who is filthy rich and us a well know higher up.

I've never seen the Uchiha in person but their features should've been a sign I recognized.

He knew I would get away from the foundation that night because Itachi and Shisui were leaving a meeting and that meant they had to pass through our neighborhood.

"You are the daughter of Danzo Shimura-" He began taking steps closer to me as tears rolled down my cheeks. "I have no relation with that monster."

"He told me to keep you. He said that you would be of good assistance to me." I shook my head and stood away from the chair.

"You're lying..." I mumbled. Danzo Shimura hates the Uchiha, there's no way he would be on good terms with them.

"You were nothing more than an alliance transaction, sweetheart."

I sprinted out of the office. I pressed the elevator button but went down the stairs.

A distraction was all I need. I've never left the mansion but I know it will be hell getting out.

Especially being they are Uchiha who are known for not only their strength but intelligence.

I need to get out of here fast.

Save me | yandere! (various uchiha) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now