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"Who is this girl?" Sasuke asked in slight annoyance.

"Her name is Y/n. Her background is a mystery since she was labeled as dead at the age 6."

"Where was she at the entire time and how the hell did she manage to stay off the radar this long?" Obito asked.

Madara leaned into his bawled fist scanning her file once more. "That's what I am going to find out."

Sasuke scoffed and let out a dry chuckle. "We should waste time in whores like her Madara." He asked in disbelief.

"Are you questioning me?" Madara asked as the aura around him grew thick. Sasuke shook his head quietly.

"Anyway. We mentioned a foster father in the office but she wouldn't tell us who. Do you think she is a spy?" Izuna suggested.

"When we found her she was running from something or someone." Itachi added.

"She's probably trying to get money out of us. It won't take long for her to try to throw herself at us."Sasuke reasoned causing the others to fall into thought.

"She did just appear from no where. She could be a potential con artist. I mean she's a beauty, I can't imagine the rich men she's seduced." Obito added.

"That isn't the case here. She actually suggested leaving even after we helped her." Izuna stated slightly annoyed and Madara couldn't deny but he was as well.

Most women would've already went to drastic extents just to "pay" off their debts but Y/n just simply wanted to leave.

"We provided her with help so it's only fair if she works off her payment." Madara hummed.

Days later..

"You have the wrong person, you assholes!!!" I shouted beating on the door.

The door suddenly unlocked causing my yelling voice to stop. My expression formed into one of annoyance as the same maid who i've been seeing every single day entered the room.

"Miss Y/n, breakfast is being served." I sighed and laid on the rug face first. She placed the tray of food on nightstand.

"M-miss y/n, a-are you alright?" The maid asked concerningly. "For how long have I been stuck in this death house."

"Miss you've only been here for 11 days..." She mumbled. "Righttttt, would you mind passing a message for me?" I said sitting up crossing my legs and giving her a sweet smile. She looked taken aback but nodded anyway.

"Ok so fortunately it's not a separate message this time. It's one all together." I smiled. "I would really appreciate it if you told your bosses to go fuck themselves." Her eyes widened slightly.

"You also might as well take this back because i'm still not eating this poison." Before she could protest I walked to the bathroom that was connected to my bedroom and slammed the door.

I've been locked in this room for 11 days. I haven't seen the others but Izuna did stop by once asking for a name.

From our last conversation I'm guessing they still haven't found anymore information on me. Which gives me the upper hand here.

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