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I woke up in a cold sweat.

My heart pounded loudly enough to echo throughout the quiet room, other than that the increasing sound of the EKG filled my ears.

Every time I heard the beep, a memory flashed through my head.


I was stuck in a loop.


A man caught me in the forest.


I got away from Danzo but my younger brother was still there.

The monitor that tracked my heart began beating rapidly, fear struck throughout my entire body and I began hyperventilating.

I gripped onto the sides of the hospital bed and attempted to steady my breathing but I couldn't.

Three nurses entered the room, their faces showing clear panic and distress. I tried to raise my hand and place it on my heart but one of the nurses hurriedly grabbed it and adjusted my IV.

"W-where am I-i?" I said in a shaky tone. I took my hand from the nurse and pulled out the IV and threw the cords off of my body.

"Ma'am you've been unresponsive for 3 weeks. You were transported here to us 2 weeks ago. We just need to run some tests-"

"I've been out for how long?!" I clutched my head in annoyance.

How could I allow myself to even be out that long?

"We just need to run some tests and then you'll be free to go back home. You and the baby are okay and one of our staff has already called the person on your contacts list."

My eyes shot up at her. That means they are on their way. He's on his way.

"The what..." I squinted my eyes at her in confusion. Baby?

"You are 2 weeks-" I shook my head and laughed. "No no that can't be right. I was injured a while ago, I can't have children."

"Well now that you are awake, we would like to run a few tests just to confirm some things. It may be false it's too early to determine anything."

"Can I have some time alone, please?" She looked at her supervisor who then nodded and they took their leave.

As soon as the door shut, I hurriedly turned the machine off and slowly pulled out my IV. I went to the bathroom that was connected and took in my appearance.

My eyes widened at how long my hair had gotten from the last time I remembered. I also took notice of my features, I looked slightly healthier yet not myself.

My skin looked slightly dull but the nurse had been taking care of me well. I left the restroom and looked through the wardrobe that was there only to find a white shirt and some joggers that did not belong to me.

I clutched my head as pain ran through it. I must've ended up here because of that mission.

I can only imagine what happened at the compound during the months I was in that coma.

Kaito must be worried sick. I can't help but feel as though I failed my job as an older sister to him.

I peeked down the hallway and grabbed a mask from a box I saw on a desk. I quickly sped down the hall and to the elevator.

I wonder how Aki has been as well. She must be freaking out at how I disappeared. I'm sure she has taken care of Kaito well though.

The elevator opened and a few people walked out meanwhile two men stayed inside. I pressed floor one and leaned on the wall as it slowly went down.

I glanced at the two men who seemed to be already looking my way. Something about them seemed familiar but I couldn't pin it.

The elevator suddenly stopped causing my relaxed eyes to fly open. One of the males we're by the buttons looking at me with his arms crossed and the other closer than before staring at me with pity.

"Y/n we know it's you. We need to leave, Sir Madara is expecting you." I looked at the two with confusion.

"I'm sorry but who are you and how the hell do you know my name?" I crossed my arms and slightly glared.

I looked at my hospital bracelet and sighed. These two were trying to get at me and it was certainly not going to work.

"And who the hell is Madara," I demanded.

Save me | yandere! (various uchiha) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now