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"Is this Detective Ibiki?" A trembling voice said. "This is he."

"I-i need your help. The Uchiha- they took them." Aki cried.

Ibiki's body stiffened. He abruptly stood from the office chair, horror covering his features.


I woke up in a cold room. The sound of the monitor beeping was the only sound.

I slowly sat up clutching my head, trying to think of everything that happened.

They drugged me and they have Arata.

I quickly sat up and yanked the cords off of me causing the monitor to make a flat line noise. I swung open the door and ran through the unfamiliar halls barefooted.

I entered the elevator quickly as I saw guards rushing to the room I had just left. They were speaking into walkie-talkies searching and running.

Once the elevator doors opened, 11 guards stood there aiming their guns at me. "I see you're awake and well hm?" I hear Itachi say as he approaches the elevator wearing his normal suited look and his hands in his pocket.

"Come join us." He ordered emotionless. I slowly began to follow him into the main dining hall. The room held over 25 people at the table, but 1 caught my eye.

Almost immediately he jumped from the chair running to me. I tried not to cry as I held him tightly.

I released the hug immediately after hearing him wince a little. My eyes widened as I noticed his busted lip and a few bruises on his arms.

"Who did this to you?" I squatted down to his level looking him in the eyes. "Don't baby him y/n. He's a boy they get hurt, he needs to learn to not be soft." Izuna said harshly.

"He's five years old, Izuna." I spat standing up and glaring at him. A presence appeared behind me causing me to quickly jump up and place Arata behind me.

"Why must you already start all of this? You need to learn how to shut the fuck up and listen." He grabbed my jaw and ordered.

"Now get in your seat." He said grabbing my forearm leading me to the seat that was beside his. I pulled Arata on my lap as soon as he reached up at me.

He didn't know these people and he was being cautious. It's sad that even as a 5 year old he can tell these aren't good people.

"Hello y/n, my name is-"

"Have you eaten yet Arata?" He shook his head looking down at his lap. I shot a glance at Madara.

It didn't matter how scared I was of him, he isn't starving my damn son.

"What do you want to eat?" Madara asked him. "Spaghetti." He said causing me to smile a bit.

Every time I would cook it, everyone always ate everything. Arata, Genma, and Aki would always....

"Bring him some." He ordered the maid causing me to force a small smile at Arata as he looked up at me.

"As I was saying before, it's a pleasure to finally meet you Y/n." A woman I had never seen before sent me a smile. I blankly stared at her and then turned to Arata as the maid quickly brought his food.

The food looked as if it were made in a five-star restaurant. Arata looked up at me silently asking if it was ok. I nodded and he hesitantly ate it.

"Who's the kid and woman?" An older male asked. "Fugaku as I was explaining before. This is Y/n and Arata, my son."

Multiple people at the table gasped and began muttering at the announcement. Everyone turned their attention to us causing Arata to squeeze my hand in comfort.

"Y/n this is Fugaku, he will assist in Arata's training." I snapped my head towards him stunned. "Training for what." I spat.

"He's five years old Madara. You aren't-" Madara laughed darkly and sent me a chilling glare making my body slightly shake as I avoided his gaze.

"We will discuss this later Y/n," He said leaving no room for argument.

"Asshole," I said under my breath but loud enough for him to hear. Izuna who sat across from me also read the situation which caused him to nod at Shisui.

"There will be much more to discuss in the future, but for now enjoy your food. We will have another gathering soon." Shisui announced to their guest with a smirk.

I already knew what was coming. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. My eyes focused anywhere but on them.

Arata tapped my hands and glanced up at me indicating he was done. Madara noticed this and took this as an opportunity to escort us away from the table.

He led us to what looked like the main hall. It was also located away from everyone at the moment meaning anything could happen.

He signaled a maid over, "Prepare his bath then take him to his bedroom on my floor." He order as she tried to reach for him.

'On his floor?'

Arata shook his head and gripped my shirt. "I can do it myself, Madara." I let out.

"That is true but you won't since I said for her to do it." He towered over me staring into my eyes as if he were waiting for me to defy him.

To challenge him.

"Arata...She will get you ready for bed." He began shaking his head. I moved his hair away from his forehead and placed a kiss on his head then returned the hug he was already giving me.

"I'm not going anywhere but it's time for bed okay?" He nodded and went with the maid. He waved at me and once he was gone Madara grabbed me instantly.

Save me | yandere! (various uchiha) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now