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Trigger Warning: violence(even though this whole book is)

Once we exited the police station I couldn't help but be taken aback. So the Uchiha does have the police in their pocket. I should've known.

The only one who seemed unfazed was the detective guy. I feel like he will be able to help me.

The car ride was completely silent, which didn't help my nerves at all. I'm scared- no terrified.

As soon as we pulled into the driveway of the mansion, Izuna spared no time in grabbing a fist full of my shirt and pulling me out.

He took me into an office only this time the others were there. He threw me onto the floor and I stared at the ground waiting for this to get over with.

Madara approached me slowly and squatted down to my level. He roughly grabbed my jaw in a bruising grip suddenly his eyes turned red. I quickly squeezed my eyes shut but it was too late.

"Mangekyo Sharingan"

Suddenly I was stuck to a tree and someone was charging at me. A pain resonated through my entire body as the weapon pierced into to over and over again.

I screamed and cried loudly as a gash slowly dragged across my body. Then multiple rods pierced into my body repeatedly.

They were removed and then stabbed into me once again repeatedly. I cried and begged the pain to stop but it never did.

I was stabbed into my stomach harshly earning another cry of pain from me. I was suddenly falling from the sky and he appeared above me stabbing me into the ground causing me to let out a scream of agony.

Again I fell from the sky but only this time it was a repeated loop. The fear I felt each time before I hit the ground on repeat.

A few minutes later I was tied to that same post getting rods stabbed into my body. A ripping pain runs through my body every single time.

3rd pov

Y/n fell flat on the ground as Madara placed her under that endless loop of death and pain.

"I am taking her to the infirmary. She'll need it when she wakes up." Itachi said as he left the room but not after loudly shutting the door behind him.

He wouldn't want to admit he began slightly developing feelings for the girl, but she needed to be taught a lesson.

He understood that she would probably even suffer from PTSD or even trauma for whatever hell she was experiencing in that genjutsu.

But he couldn't stand it. He couldn't stand the fact that she wanted to leave. That she wanted to leave him.

Madara looked at the girl on the ground as she shivered as if she were freezing. To her, it would feel like she was there for days, months
, maybe even years.

Even though in reality it was just a few seconds. She experienced a new level of pain one that made even Sasuke's blood run cold.

He may have been an asshole to her but he cared for her in his way. No one would believe if he said that he disagreed with Madara's idea to place her under the Genjutsu.

He could never openly say aloud that he disagreed with Madara because that would cause a bunch of unnecessary problems. Especially over a mere stranger.

Openly opposing Madara meant you were defying his word. Meaning you challenging your elder which is breaking the Uchiha oath. He knew there was no point in doing so since Madara surpassed them all.

He didn't know why he felt the way he did for her. None of the Uchiha could explain the feelings they developed for y/n,

All of this over a mere stranger.

Save me | yandere! (various uchiha) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now