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"What the fuck is he doing here Madara?" I spat harshly at him. Instinctively I placed Arata behind me.

Obito walked alongside the male with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"Great. We can finally get started." Sasuke said with sarcasm. The male took steps around the table stopping at me.

"So this is where you ran off huh? And look you even made me an uncle." He laughed dryly.

"I am in no way related to you." I glared gripping the silverware knife tightly.

"Okay, enough of the conversation. Everyone at this table is here for a reason, therefore we shouldn't waste any more time." Itachi announced.

My eyes burned into Pein's skull as he sat in a seat. "Y/n," Madara said snapping me out of my gaze. I sat down in my seat but my features never softened.

"Pein is in charge of an organization under us. It's-" Obito started.

"Arata, are you finished with your food?" I looked down at him. "Yes ma'am."

"Excuse me miss? Would you mind-" She immediately understood my request and hurriedly took Arata away.

"I call bullshit," I said to him. "Excuse me?" A female at the table said.

"Oh! I didn't realize you guys were hard of hearing. I said. I call bullshit!" I sarcastically smile at Obito.

"You know I can't fucking stand him and out of all people, you bring him here?!" I shouted at him. "You know I utterly despise this-"

"You show respect when you speak about Pein!" The purple-haired female beside him slammed her hands on the with a glare making me laugh once again.

"He killed Jariya! Must I remind you Konan?" I motioned to the Uchihas. "The man that took you in. He murdered him in cold fucking blood. That's unforgivable." I said through gritted teeth.

"What makes you think he won't turn and kill any of you?" I looked at the Uchiha.

"Enough Y/n," Izuna ordered from behind me. I have no clue when he had gotten out of his seat but his next statement sent a chill down my spine. "Must I remind you of your liabilities?"


My chest heaved as I plopped back into the seat crossing my arms in annoyance and anger. Madara on the other hand smoked his cigar as everything unfolded.

"Are you finished or can we finally speak about our fucking business Y/n?" He said with an unsettling glare.

"Our wedding is in 2 months." He glanced and I scoffed shaking my head. "Within that time, we will have to travel for meetings and then the for a mafia ball." He blew out cigar smoke.

"I expect no casualties once more or else I will kill you." He said to Pein and he sent an obedient nod to Madara. My fists clenched. "Why not get it over with now," I muttered.

"We will hold a briefing in a few days to reveal more information about the upcoming events. As for now enjoy the food or be dismissed."

I shot up from my seat and was immediately pulled back by my wrist. "You haven't eaten so eat." Before I could protest Itachi shot me a glare.

I sat back in my seat and picked up the fork. I took a few bites out of the steak and picked around the rest. "Must I pry your mouth open Y/n?"

"I can't eat anymore, I'm full," I said before glaring at Pein who was already looking at me. "I've also lost my appetite."

I exited the dining area. I walked out to the balcony attached to the living room.

I walked to the railing and tightened my grip on it. This would be my first time outside since I've been here and it all felt off.

Jiraiya and I were acquainted with one another due to me rushing back to the foundation and bumping straight into the man. I was exhausted from a mission Danzo had sent me on and was falling behind on my curfew.

At the time I was at least 15, Jiraiya offered to teleport me to my location using some toad justu he had. Seeing it the foundation his concern grew. At the time he was also secretly investigating Danzo but I had been unaware of that matter.

Months later, I ended up running into Jiraya once more at a ramen shop. I thanked him for his help. He asked why I was affiliated with Danzo.

He read the situation of how I was scared when we spoke of him and how I dodged the questions of concern he threw.

That ramen shop became a spot where we ended up meeting and talking with one another. Aki tagged along a few times as well.

I had the urge to continue going to that ramen shop in hopes of seeing the said stranger who showed care and fatherly protection since I didn't receive it at 'home'.

He had become the closest thing I had to a father figure. The times Danzo would starve me or beat me as punishment when I met up with Jiraiya he could see how uncomfortable I was talking about how I got the bruises or would be very hungry when I ate.

But he still provided me with therapeutic results, which I couldn't have been more than thankful for.

For a kid, being an assassin you see shit that you can't unsee. You even endure restless sleep and unsettling flashbacks from time to time.

And if there was the slightest slip-up, well you better be prepared for what Danzo had in store for you once you returned back.

One day Jiraiya never showed up again. I thought he was on another mission of his since he would be gone for weeks or a couple months at a time but there wasn't any form of contact from him anymore.

I thought he abandoned me.

When I got away from Madara and met up with Detective Ibiki on scheduled visits, I mentioned Jiraiya to him once and he told me Jiraiya was a great asset to Konoha Police force.

I never knew he worked for the police until Ibiki told me. He also said the Hokage informed him that Jiraiya was killed by his former student.


The scenery below consisted of trees, a lake in the distance, and a big gate that extended to a far.

In each section and corner, there were guards carrying firearms. Others are weaponless but you could tell by the way they carried themselves that they didn't need one.

The door behind me slid open and a presence joined my side. "You know, he's doing all of this to protect you and Arata..." The man said leaning beside me on the railing. "Obito, answer this."

"If Madara knew about my pregnancy, even after I had given birth....why didn't he come sooner?" I asked finally turning to look at him.

"Rivalry. As the Uchiha continued to take over more sections and territories, we gained more enemies in the process." He sighed.

"With that one of our warehouses was bombed. This is the first time an enemy was able to get this close to our territory."

"How were they able to do that?" I asked. "We were so focused on the two of you that we had gotten distracted."

He breathed out a cloud of smoke. "We truly care about you but you leaving...we all realized how hard it was to live without your presence." My eyes widened at his sudden confession.

"But you almost got away." I glanced at him in surprise. "The previous time you moved, we lost you."

"Madara went on a rampage. Even we couldn't bare his rage, he even went as far as killing off one of his trusted business leaders that tried to get him to sell information on you not knowing that you two were in a....' relationship'." He explained.

"Who wanted information on me?" I said sitting up. "Danzo framed you for the murder of a woman. She was the wife of the Kazekage." My eyes widened.

"Why her specifically?" I asked in concern. "She is not only the wife of the Kazekage but the mother of the Sand's most powerful fighter, Gaara of the sand. He had a Jinchuuriki."

"What do you mean had? He's not one anymore?" Obito let out a dry laugh. "Not after we were finished with him."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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