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"Never let that happen again y/n." Sasuke seethed gripping my jaw in a bruising grip. A few tears clouded my vision and she forcibly removed his hand.

I was now on the floor in front of the same dark oak desk. This time only I wasn't greeted with respect, it was orders.

"Y/n, I'm going to send you out in an assignment. I advise you to complete it, in return that will pay your debt for us helping you." Madara said in all seriousness.

Maybe I'll be able to go back after all. The other Uchiha visibly flinched.

"Fine." I crossed my arms and glared. "What's my assignment, Madara." He raised a brow at my lack of honorifics and darkly chuckled.

"A maid will accompany you tonight and help you get ready. Here is the folder of information you need to deal with your target."

Madara pulled a file from his desk and tossed it to me. I opened it and briefly scanned over it. My eyebrows scrunched in disbelief.

"You want me to assassinate someone?" I scoffed. Why would I do dirty work for a man who merely did anything to help me?

"That's how you will pay your debt." He nodded at a man behind me and he slugged me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

I flipped him over and onto the ground slightly twisting his wrist. "I can walk on my own, you little shit."

"Y/n," Izuna warned. I held his gaze with no fear that is until he appeared in front of me at the speed of light.

"Do you want to play this bratty game right now?"A threat lingering in his tone.

The aura in the room itself made me want to curl into a ball. I closed my eyes and looked away with an annoyed expression. I released the man and stepped over his body.

"No need to get riled up Izuna. She will learn her place soon enough." Madara said as they watched the girl walk out.

Later that night

"Miss y/n, please be still!" The maid exclaimed after adjusting my dress once more.

"What even is this? Why is the dress so tight!" I shouted in disbelief and stared in straight horror at my appearance.

"S-sir Madara said this would suit you well." She stammered.

"Fuck Madara. I'm not wearing this shit." I turn to walk putt and bump straight into a strong chest.

"It's rude to refuse a gift y/n." The devil himself. How did I not sense his presence?

"W-well i-i It not- It's just a little uncomfortable that's all..." I nervously laughed slowly sitting back in the chair.

Once I finished getting dolled up, I met the others downstairs. Itachi was the first to notice me and his eyes sparkled.

I had on a silky red dress that could make you stand out from miles away. The top was made of a lace-like material that even I would admit was beautiful.

"Wow y/ look...." Izuna stammered. I pushed past them and to the doors.

"The quicker we get this over with, the faster I can go." I gave them all the cold shoulder and followed a guard to the vehicle I was assigned to.

I'll make a break for it whenever I am out of reach.

Save me | yandere! (various uchiha) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now