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(slight 🍋)

It's been about 1 month since I escaped that hell hole only to get held captive once more.

It's not like I completely hate it here I mean, It's hilarious annoying them. They've slowly grown used to it but I've had my share of fun.

Some days Izuna and I would just bicker for no reason but I find joy in watching him find a comeback.

Another I flipped the power box. Boy to say that Madara guy was pissed is an understatement. He's the one you wouldn't want to upset.

He's unpredictable and it genuinely scares me. Especially when he locked me in the basement for a week because I was too stubborn to apologize for doing it.

I've done a lot more and they have yet to get rid of me which is growing old and very annoying.

"Y-yes sir, she is now refusing to leave the room-" The sound of a door being slammed echoed throughout the quiet mansion.

They've unlocked my door in exchange I help the maids with chores or if Madara wants me to sort paperwork.

Sasuke groaned in annoyance. "How long is she going to keep this shit up. We already removed the Tv."

"Didn't she say the reason she turned it up that loudly was because she did not want to hear your thoughts..." Shisui pondered making Itachi try to hold in a laugh.

"Like how the fuck can you hear someone's thoughts?!" Izuna shouted in disbelief.

"Madara I can't help but notice you forming some sort of connection for this girl. What is the purpose of you keeping her here?" Izuna asked his elder brother quietly.

"She draws my attention in a way I can't explain." He finished his tea and looked at the others. "Bring her to my office tomorrow at noon." He left mansion with his assistant.

Later that day

The pair arrived at the girl's door, slightly suspicious because of how quiet it had gotten throughout the day. They slightly knocked only to get no response.

Itachi instantly opened the door with a slight panic, only to be welcomed by a dark room and slight sniffles. "y/n it's itachi and shisui..."

"y/n?" Shisui approached the bed noticing the lump. He nodded at Itachi.

"y/n what's wrong?" Itachi said pulling the blanket slightly down only to see her slight puffy face and watery eyes. She reached up for Itachi since he was the closest and buried her face in his neck.

"Darling what's wrong?" Shisui asked softly caressing her hair. "It hurts."

"What does?" She pointed towards her head indicating that she had a migraine. "When was the last time you ate?" She shook her head causing the boys to sigh.

"I'll be back." Shisui said after placing a kiss on her head. Y/N felt the closest with these two mainly because they baby her 25/8.

Shisui flicked on the dim lamp before he left the room making sure to be careful enough to not make her pain worse.

Itachi caressed her cheek with his thumb and her exposed thigh with his other. "It'll feel better soon princess."

"Itachi...." He mumbled a 'hm'. "When will I be able to go?" He visible tensed as his movements stopped.

I sat up and looked into his eyes. "Why is he keeping me here? What does he know?"

"Y/n that's enough." I tried to push myself off of him but he held a firm grip now on both of my thighs. "You're lying to me aren't you?" I pressed.

"Y/n. You're pushing it." The sound of the door opening cut him off. "Why can't I leave, there's no point of me even being here. You don't even know me!" His grip tightened more.

"I'm back." Shisui said as he had a bowl of soup entering the room. "I don't want it." I crossed my arms.

"What's going o-"

"Shisui, why is Madara keeping me here? I'm sure you know why-" Shisui slammed the door making me slightly flinch.

"Y/n, have we not been treating you well?" He asked setting the bags down. "Why do you want to leave us so badly, y/n?"

Itachi just watched my face. "Shisui, I didn't mean it that way-"

"Then what exactly are you implying, y/n? You clearly have no where else to go," My eyes widened in disbelief.

That's what this was about. They pity me.

"When Obito and I found you, you were running away from something. We just so happenly found you, yet you're being ungrateful." Itachi said darkly giving my thighs a squeeze.

"T-that's not w-what I m-mean I-I didn't m-mean it t-that way" I stammered. "Oh y/n, I think you did. We've been showing you nothing but hospitality yet you've been complaining and being a brat."

Four sets of hands began rubbing my body causing goose bumps to become visible. "I-itachi s-shisui I s-swear-"

"Do you know how long we've all been holding back on you y/n?" Shisui said as he moved my hair off of my shoulder only to place kisses on my neck. "You drive us crazy and you don't even know it."

The way they can say this to a mere stranger is beyond me.

Itachi moved my spaghetti strap off my shoulder and started marking kisses along my neck. One certain spot making me whimper causing him to smirk.

"Now now do you think you deserve it after all of the things you've done, princess?" Shisui teased.

"f-fuck" i whispered as one of them grabbed a handful of my rear. "I don't think she does." Itachi said stopping all of his movements making me cry in frustration.

"Apologize." Shisui demanded with a dark gleam in his eyes, sending chills down my spine.

"I-i'm sorry" Itachi smirked and grabbed my chin. Shisui standing now beside me with crossed arms. "For what princess?"

"A-acting like a brat." I mumbled in defeat. "Good. Now eat this soup I got for you." Shisui said getting it from the bag he bought.

I huffed in annoyance and got out of Itachi's lap. My back rested against the headboard as he nudged the soup into my lap. I glared at the container in frustration.

Shisui watched me a couple of seconds before squatting down tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. " Eat it, or I'll pry your mouth open and pour it down your throat." He said with a smile causing me to gulp and nod.

He placed a kiss on my head and gathered his things standing at the door waiting on Itachi. Before he got up I grabbed his sleeve, he looked at me with adoration as I gave him pleading eyes.

"What is it princess?" He asked. "Itachi, I want the tv back." Him and Shisui laugh at my failed rebellion.

"Are you going to behave?" I huffed and nodded. "yeah..."

"Shisui-" He called out. "Already on it." He responded with his phone in his hand.

Once they left I couldn't help but think about the interaction that almost happened.

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