Chapter 01

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Author's POV

"So dopamine is also known as the feel-good hormone. You feel this when something happens that makes you happy," said Nick, the science teacher.

Suddenly, the bell chimed. Nick looked at his watch and said, "So that's it for today, guys. See you all tomorrow! Have a good day! Sawadee Khap!"

"Sawadee Khap", the whole class cried in chorus.

"So, guys, what's the plan after class? Wanna go for a game of football?", asked Mike as he turned around to look at his two best friends, John and Porchay.

"I'm in, man!" John exclaimed. While Porchay shook his head in disagreement, "Well, I am not!"

"What? Why, man?", both Mike and John asked.

"I have work, guys!" Porchay said as he hurriedly packed his bag. "It's only been one week since I joined, so I can't skip work already."

"Man! You are so boring!", John said.

"I am sorry, guys! You guys go without me!", Porchay said.

"It will be no fun without you, dude!" Mike said.

"Please! I insist!", Porchay pleaded. "Fine! But you promise that you will join us someday! Deal?", said Mike.

"Deal", Porchay said. "Okay, guys! Then I will leave! Bye!"

John and Mike went to the locker room as soon as Porchay left.

"Mike!" John said as he removed his shirt. "Where does Chay work?"

"Gin Palace, bro," Mike answered as he wore sports clothes.

"Isn't it a bar?" asked John.


"What does he work there?"

"As a bartender!" said Mike.

"Isn't he too young for that?" John asked while wearing shoes.

"No man! We are 19! Remember? We will be adults next year!", Mike said irritated.

"But...", John was going to say something but was interrupted by Mike," Oii! John!! Why don't you ask Chay yourself? Come and let's play! It's getting late!"

"Okay," John replied as he wore his shoes. Then they both ran to the ground to play.

Porchay's POV

"Then I will leave! Bye!", I said to two of my best friends and ran like there was no tomorrow.

It was 5:30 p.m., and I had my shift starting at 6:00 p.m. and it took at least 25 minutes to get there. Today our professor, Mr. Nick, took an extra class, otherwise, I would have reached work 30 minutes earlier. But today I was late.

I work in the most famous and luxurious bar in town, the Gin Palace. I work there as a bartender.

I know, I know. I am too young to work as a bartender, but I am 19 this year. So legally, I can work there.

At least that's what I said to myself to convince myself to go there. But I had to go, even if I wasn't interested.

I had another job in the Café, Daily Brew. But not as a barista. Instead, I read books to people online. It's like audiobooks.

I can't say it's a job. It's something I love to do in my free time but with payment.

But the pay was less so I had to find another job. It was Mike's cousin, Ryan, who helped me get a job.

Today I wasn't able to go to the Café, but that's fine. They have at least 18 people who read.

I reached the bar and went straight to the locker room and wore a white shirt with black pants and a blazer.

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