Chapter 16

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Hey guys! I had uploaded it be fore and then I found a major mistake which turns the story other around, so I had deleted it. 


Author's POV

Next Day

After his workout, Porchay got ready and went downstairs for breakfast.

Kim was already in the dining room, sipping on a cup of coffee and reading something on his phone.

As Porchay entered the room, Kim glanced at him and continued reading, not saying a word.

Porchay sat on the chair and soon the cook served his breakfast. He thanked the cook and started eating his breakfast.

As he almost finished eating, Kim looked up from his phone and finally spoke, "Try to return from the University early and don't stop at the café."

Porchay looked at him and wanted to ask why but decided to hold back his question and simply nodded in response.

Kim then got up and left the dining room without another word, leaving Porchay to ponder over his peculiar request.

Soon, Porchay finished his breakfast and left for university.

At the University

As Porchay reached his university, he went to the cafeteria to catch up with his friends but they were nowhere to be found.

He felt it was strange that his friends weren't there.

Porchay wondered what could it be and checked this phone for any messages from them. He then realised he had arrived fifteen minutes late and they have already left to attend the classes.

Porchay sprinted to his classroom. Out of breath, he opened the door to his classroom only to find that professor Nick had already started the lecture.

The professor stared at him for a few seconds before allowing him in.

Porchay saw Mike and John wave at him. He rushed to an empty seat next to them and mouthed a quick "sorry" before trying to catch up with the lecture.

"So, class,", Nick said. "In the last class we saw what is dopamine. Today we will see what is 'Cortisol'. So anybody knows what is 'Cortisol?' "

Everybody in classroom looked at each other if anybody knew the answer.

"Okay. I will tell.", Nick said. "Cortisol is often referred to as the 'stress hormone' It is released by the adrenal gland in response to stress and low blood sugar levels."

Everybody nodded. "Is it dangerous for our health, professor?", John asked.

"Yes,", Nick said. "When cortisol levels are chronically high, it can lead to negative health effects such as anxiety, depression, digestive problems, heart disease etc."

"Professor, what are the ways we can control and reduce cortisol levels in our body?", Porchay asked.

"Good question, Porchay.", Nick said. "You need to get social support, also set boundaries, meaning, learn to say no to additional responsibilities when you're feeling overwhelmed and limit stressful situations."

Porchay nodded.

Mike leaned towards him and said, "Looks like somebody will be practicing some stress management techniques after this class."

John chuckled while Porchay hit Mike in his abdomen making John laugh harder.


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