Chapter 14

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Author's POV


Porchay got up at 4:45 a.m. and went to the 5th floor. At 5 a.m. when Big came he was surprised to see him.

"Whoa! Little guy! You came so early!", Big said as he raised his hand for a high five.

"From now on I will be here sharply at 5. I finish my training at 7 and go to get ready for university.", Porchay said coldly and completely ignoring Big's high five.

"Okay", Big said as he was a little surprised.

Porchay trained very hard that day. He picked up weights as they were nothing to him.

By 7 a.m. Big was very exhausted as he had never trained so hard in a long time.

Porchay drank water. "I will be ready 7:30 a.m. Please leave me to the university, P'Big."

Porchay then went to his room to freshen up and got dressed for his university.

He came down in the said time by him.

Big was wating for him downstairs while Kim and Tankhun were having their breakfast in the dining room.

As Porchay passed by, Kim saw him and said, "Come and eat your breakfast. Then go to the university."

"I had my breakfast.", Por hay said immediately without looking at Kim and went outside.

Tankhun was shocked because no one has ever dared to speak with Kim like that.

Meanwhile Kim got angry and clenched his hands to a level where his knuckles turned red.

"Whore...", he said under his breath.

"Khun Kim, Khun Porchay had his breakfast at 7:15 a.m. at his room.", the cook said. "And he has asked that from today onwards he wants all his meals to be served in his room."

"Who is the real boss of the house?", Tankhun scoffed as he counited eating.

Kim looked at the cook and asked with a twisted smile, "So now you listened to the orders given by a slut and not me? Huh?"

"S...sorry Khun. I...I... thought Khun Porchay was someone very close to you, so---"

Kim slammed his hands on the table and got up abruptly. "HE IS MY PERSONAL WHORE. JUST SOMEONE WHO FULFILS MY SEXUAL NEEDS. THAT'S ALL! NOT MY BOYFRIEND!"

"Ok...okay, Khun Kim.", said the cook with a bow.

"Also, no need to address him as 'KHUN'", Kim said. "That's for someone who really deserves it. Not someone who are ready to spread their legs for some money!"

Kim then walked away.

Tankhun kept his fork down, crossed his legs and looked at his little brother and laughed softly

Arm and Pol looked at him confusedly.

"Khun, why are you laughing?", Arm asked.

"I have a gut feeling that one day my little brother is gonna regret everything he said", Tankhun said and sighed.

He got up and said, "Come one, let's go. I am missing my boyfriend"

Arm and Pol nodded and followed him.


Porchay walked up to his friends and sat in front of them.

"You are looking smart today.", Mike said. Porchay smiled softly.

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