Chapter 11

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Author's POV

Porchay came out of the university with Mike.

"Where's John?", he asked.

"Oh, his boyfriend came to pick him up.", Mike said. Porchay nodded. "What about you? Is Khun Kim coming to pick you up?"

"Nah, I think so I have to---", Porchay stopped abruptly as he saw Kim leaning on his car with a cigar in one of his hands and the other hand in the pocket.

"Chay? Porchay?", Mike called him out. He then looked at the direction where Porchay was looking.

"Oh!", Mike said with a smirk. "Khun Kimhan Theeranpanyakul is here to pick his dear Khun Porchay."

Porchay nudged Mike and whispered, "Shut up, Mike!"

"Ow!", Mike whispered as he leaned towards Porchay. "Are you scared of your Daddy?"

Porchay looked at Mike slowly and blushed.

Kim, on the other hand, had already destroyed the cigar by crushing it with his hand. His breathing was short and but hard.

He was angry. But for what?

'Am I jealous?', Kim thought. 'Impossible. He is just another whore!"

On the other hand, Porchay and Mike were dangerously close to each other.

"But I am scared now.", Porchay said.

"Why?", Mike asked.

"Last time, when you hugged me, he saw it and asked me about it. Also, he warned me about being close to you", Porchay said.

"Was he jealous?", Mike asked.

"Don't know. But why would he be jealous? We aren't a couple", Porchay said.

"Maybe, he also likes you...", Mike said.

"Impossible!", Porchay said with a laugh.

"Why?", Mike said. "If you can like him then why can't he like you too?"

Porchay thought. "But---"

"Leave that. Now tell me what was the aftermath like?", Mike asked.

"Nothing. After that we went to see his brother.", Porchay said.

"Mm", Mike said and thought for a moment. "Then, let's see today what happens if I get close to you."

"Huh?", Porchay said confusedly and before he could realise Mike jumped over him and gave him a big kiss on his cheeks.

"WHAT THE FUCK, MIKE?", Porchay exclaimed. "I AM SCREWED!"

"Yeah. Both metaphorically and literally", Mile said with a big smile. "I will see you whenever you come back."

Mike then went away leaving him alone. Porchay could feel death glares coming towards him.

"God Save me!", Porchay prayed while walking towards the car.

As Kim saw him coming, he got into the car waited for him. Porchay slowly opened the door and sat.

"Sawadee Khap, Kim", Porchay greeted as he wore his seatbelt. Kim said nothing and started driving.

After 5 minutes

"How many are there?", Kim asked suddenly.

"Huh? What?", Porchay asked as he couldn't understand because he was daydreaming.

Kim looked at him and said, "I. Asked. How. Many. Are. There?"

Porchay was frightened as he could feel Kim was angry.

He gulped and asked, "How ma...many are what?"

"Boys! Who are thirsted by you!", Kim asked.

Porchay looked at him with disbelief and said, "There are none. Except you!"

Kim glared at him. "Is this how you made money for a living before? Did Big miss something important about you while researching about?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?", Porchay asked. More like he shouted.

Kim scoffed and said, "You are a freaking liar!"


Kim braked hard in the middle of the road. Vehicles behind honked and people cursed because of the sudden break.

But as soon as they saw who the car belongs, they silently drove away. Not wanting to be shot for a petty reason.

"Who told you about Gia?", Kim asked.

"So, it's true!", Porchay said as he crossed his arms and looked outside.

Kim looked at him as he clenched the steering wheel and said, "We will talk about this at home."

Kim then rash drove towards the mansion and stopped the car in front of the door. He then got out of the car and went towards Porchay's side.

Kim opened Porchay's door and literally dragged him inside the mansion.

He threw him on to the floor and shouted, "WHO. TOLD. YOU. ABOUT. GIA?"

Porchay didn't answer looked away which made Kim angry.

Kim held Porchay' chin and made him look at him. "TELL ME!"

By then all the bodyguards present in the mansion came towards the hall hearing shouting sounds of Kim.

"My friends told me!", Porchay said. "They said you are getting married to your father's business partner's daughter!"

Kim looked at him with anger fuelling inside him. He held Porchay by his arms and dragged him upstairs to Kim's room.

Porchay was thrown to the bed. Kim slammed closed the door and went towards the bed.

Kim removed his shirt and got on the bed. He tore Porchay's uniform and forced himself on him.

"Kim! Stop!", Porchay said as he tried to stop Kim. "STOP! PLEASE!"

But Kim didn't stop and continued.

Porchay pushed Kim aside and slapped him.

"STOP!!", Porchay shouted.

Kim finally hot back to senses and looked at Porchay with remorseful eyes.

He then sat on the bed, his back towards Porchay.

"Gia and I are childhood friends.", Kim started. "Our parents wanted us to get married and give them an heir. But Gia loved her bodyguard Max and I liked men."

Porchay listened to him intently. Kim continued.

"Even though my father has accepted for who we are and whom we like, I still feel guilty that I wouldn't be able to give him an heir."

Kim turned towards Porchay. "Gia and I are not getting married. And even if I am getting married, I would never sleep with someone else, even if I am not in love with person I am getting married to."

Porchay gently placed his hands on Kim's and said, "It's okay. You are not wrong in doing something you like. It's your life. You can make choices you like. And it doesn't matter if people agree with you or not because it's you who is going to live your life not them."

Kim looked at Porchay with soft eyes for a brief moment. Suddenly something shifted in his eyes and abruptly got up and picked up his shirt.

"Go to your room.", Kim said as he wore his shirt. "Also, no need to come to my room tonight, I am going out for a meeting"

Kim then went out slamming the door behind him.

"How can anyone not fall in love with you, Kimhan?", Porchay said.

(To be continued...)


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