Chapter 10

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Author's POV

Porchay woke when he heard a loud knock on his door. He looked at the clock on his bedside table and saw that it was 5 a.m. He wondered who could be knocking at this early hour.

He dragged himself out of bed, groggily making his way to the door. As he opened the door, he saw Big.

"Oh! Phi!", Porchay said as he yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Get ready and meet me at the 5th floor in ten minutes," Big said and walked away.

"But---", Porchay started to protest, but Big had already disappeared down the hallway.

Porchay hurriedly refreshed himself, brushed his teeth, and quickly dressed up in casual attire.

Porchay then rushed towards the 5th floor. Big was standing there with his back against the wall, his arm crossed against his chest.

Porchay approached Big cautiously, unsure of what was going on.

"From today onwards, you will wake up at this time and come here to train yourself in self defense techniques," Big said sternly.

Porchay's jaw dropped in surprise. "But---"

"No buts," Big interrupted sternly. "We would not be able to protect you all the time. Understood?"

Porchay nodded silently. He didn't fully comprehend Big's sudden insistence on self-defense training, but he knew better than to question it.


After 3 hours of rigorous training session, Porchay rushed to room only collapsing onto his bed. His muscles ached, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

He looked at the ceiling and breathed heavily.

"It's better to get fucked had rather than training hard and regretting it later," Porchay mumbled to himself.

He looked at the time. It was 7:15 a.m.

"SHIAAAA! I AM LATE!", Porchay exclaimed in a panic as he jumped off the bed and hurriedly got ready for university.

He rushed downstairs after getting ready. He saw Big as he descended the stairs


"First eat something!", Big said.

"NO! I DON'T HAVE TIME!", Porchay shouted.

"Eat or you will become weak", A voice growled behind him.

Porchay turned behind to find Kim coming down, looking dashing in his black leather jacket.

And yet again Porchay was lost admiring Kim's charisma.

As Kim walked past him, he snapped his fingers to bring Porchay back to reality.

"Come", Kim said and walked towards the dining area. Porchay nodded and quickly followed him.

Kim sat on a chair in the dining area, and Porchay took a seat next to him.

Soon, breakfast was served to them. There were delicious dishes of eggs, bacon, toast, and fresh fruits on the table.

"Eat", Kim ordered. Porchay nodded and eagerly dug into the scrumptious breakfast spread in front of him.

As they were eating, Big came into the room and bowed and said, "Khun Kim Khab, Khun Tankhun is here."

Kim nodded. "Tell him to come here."

"Khab", Big said respectfully.

Soon, Tankhun entered the room with his two bodyguards, Pol and Arm.

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