Chapter 05

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Porchay's POV

I looked out of the car window. It was still cloudy like yesterday. There was no sign of the sun breaking through the thick layers of the grey clouds.

I sighed softly and slowly looked at the person sitting next to me. I gulped as his striking features captivated my attention.

His facial features are so fucking perfect that I couldn't help but admire and appreciate his beauty every time I see him.

"I know my features are quite striking but that doesn't mean you can stare at me all the time.", Kim said with a proud face.

"", I stammered. He looked at me and gosh I lost myself in his cold dreamy eyes.

"We will be reaching in 15 minutes.", Kim said. I nodded and looked out the window before daydreaming again.

As I looked outside, today's events flashed before my eyes.


Author's POV

"Pack your bags. You are moving in with me", Kim said in an authoritative tone.

"Wha..what? Why?", Porchay asked in surprise. Kim glared at him which made Porchay break eye contact and look around nervously.

Kim stepped inside his dorm as Porchay made way for him to enter. He looked around and said, "You live in this rat hole?"

Porchay gasped in astonishment.

"How do you manage your expenses?", Kim asked as he looked around.

"I...I work two jobs after classes.", Porchay said. "But now, I lost both of them. I don't why they removed me. I don't believe the reason they told me"

Kim smirked as he stopped in his tracks and looked around, "Well, I am the real reason behind your sudden job loss."

Porchay was confused and asked, "What do you mean?". 

Kim kept staring at him with a smirk until Porchay realised. He was shocked. He looked at Kim and asked, "What? You? But why?"

"Because I have an offer for you.", Kim said smiling mysteriously.

"Wha...what offer?", Porchay asked, his voice trembling with fear.

"You move in with me. I will provide you with food and shelter. Also...", Kim said as he slowly towards Porchay with a smirk plastered.

Porchay moved back slowly until his back hit the wall. Kim stopped right in front of him. There are only a few inches of difference between them.

Porchay gulped and said in a shaky voice, "Al... also?"

"Also you can sleep on a very soft bed and spread your legs.", Kim said.

Porchay was offended and said in a firm voice, "Mr Kim. I have told you earlier. I.  Am. Not. A. Whore"

Kim moved back a little and put his hands in his pockets and said, "When did I call you a whore?"

Porchay intently looked at Kim without breaking eye contact.

"People spread their legs only to get fucked? They can't spread their legs to sleep comfortably?", Kim asked which made Porchay speechless.

He was feeling a little relieved as he thought he had misunderstood Kim's intention and when Kim realised that Porchay was feeling relieved, he smirked, leaned forward and said,

"But you, my darling. You will spread your legs so that I can fuck you until you lose your ability to walk."

Porchay's jaw dropped in shock as he heard Kim's words. And before he could say something, Kim turned and walked towards the door and said,

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