Chapter 04

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Porchay's POV

After I reached my dorm I passed out. I didn't even have the energy to take a bath.

When I woke up the next morning, my back hurted very much. I could barely move. So I decided to skip today's classes and work.

I just lay on my bed for the rest of the day. Around evening, I got a call from Sam.

"Hey, man! Where are you now? And where did you disappear yesterday?", he asked.

"Hey! I am not well man. I will not be coming today.", I replied, trying to ignore his inquiries about my disappearance.

"Why? What happened?", he asked, concern evident in his voice.

"Um...nothing just fever", I lied. I didn't want him to know what happened yesterday.

"Do you want me to come and check on you?", he asked.

"! I am fine! You don't need to come.", I replied. I didn't want him to see me limping around the house.

"Mm...fine. But call me when you need to. Okay?", he said.

"Khab!", I said. "Bye, then, I will sleep now"

"Yeah, man! Bye!", he said and hung up the call.

I closed my eyes and sighed in relief, grateful that Sam didn't push further.

I continued laying on the bed until midnight when my stomach couldn't take it anymore. I got up to feed myself.

I made some instant noodles and ate them slowly, savoring each bite as I tried to distract myself from the pain in my back.

After finishing my midnight snack, I returned to my bed and dozed off to sleep.

After a few days

For the the past few days to haven't gone to school or work. I had a lot of hickeys. I didn't want my friends, Mike and John to notice it.

When they called, I said I was down with the flu and needed rest. I also asked them not to come as they may also get infected.

Finally, I went to college. I was back to my daily routine after a few days of rest.

The day was good. I attended my classes, had a wonderful lunch with John and Mike and even had a productive study session in the library.

It was 4 p.m. I bid goodbye to my friend and headed toward the cafe.

When I reached there, saw P'Max was standing outside the cafe, scrolling his phone. He is the cafe owner. I went and greeted him, "Sawadee Khap, phi"

"Sawadee Kh-", he said as he looked up at me. "Oh! Porchay! Hi."

He looked hesitant about something, so I asked him. "Phi, is something bothering you?"

"Um... Chay. It's that...we have a lot of people employed here to read books and I have some financial difficulties at the moment. So..."

"So?", I asked him confusedly.

"So, I have reduced some staff and unfortunately, I have to let you go.",

I was shocked. "Um...but...phi...I...have been working here for long", I stammered.

He got up and patted my back and said, "Sorry Porchay. I cannot do anything." and went inside the restaurant before I could say anything.

I stood there, trying to process things. I was heartbroken because this wasn't just a job for me, reading books and telling people stories was something I enjoyed from the depths of my heart.

And from today onwards I had to stop doing something that kept my sanity intact. I wasn't worried about the money.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice the time. It was almost 5 p.m. I shrugged my thoughts and rushed towards the bar for my shift.

I reached the bar at around 5:45 p.m. And as soon as I walked in I bumped into the manager.

"Sawadee khap Phi", I greeted him. But he didn't respond to me, he just glared at me.

After a brief moment of silence, he said, "Oh Porchay. You don't need to come here anymore. We have hired someone else to take place."

I was dumbfounded. It seemed like my bad luck was going through me all day. I was speechless.

"S...Sir but wh...y?", I stammered.

"Um...because...because you are incompetent.", he said. "Also you have taken way too many leaves." I was stunned.

"But sir...I only joined the bar a week ago only. It would take at least a few more weeks for me to learn to make drinks properly.", I tried explaining. "Even you said that I could take my own time to learn. Also, I wasn't well these few days. That's why I took leave."

He interrupted and said, "I don't want to hear any excuses, Porchay."

"Please sir understand, I really need this job to support myself. I already lost my other job today.", I pleaded. I was on the verge of tears, completely helpless.

"Sorry I can't do anything.", he said and left. Feeling devasted, I fell to the ground and cried my heart out.

I didn't know what to do. I thought of speaking to Sam but his shift had already started and he would not be free until 11. So I  decided to just head back home.

The day was cloudy and it looked like it would rain any moment now. I slowly walked towards my dorm.

I was confused. I didn't know what to do next. I didn't have any in this world. My mother died when I was 10. She said I had an elder brother but I had never seen or met him.

The thought bothered me; why do they both have to remove me on the same day?

I felt strange when they explained to me the reason they removed me for, because both their reason make no sense.

I reached my dorm and threw my bag away. I didn't have the energy to change my clothes. My energy was drained out.

I wished I could also get a sugar daddy just like John. To support me financially and love me unconditionally.

It started raining heavily. I looked at the raindrops falling from the sky, some hitting my cheeks. I left the window open and dozed off to sleep.

Next Day

I woke up when I heard someone knocking on my door. I woke up and looked at the time. It was only 7 a.m.

Who the fuck is it at this hour?

I dragged myself out of the bed and slowly made my way to the door, feeling annoyed. I opened the door and looked at the person standing.

Kim Theerapanyakul stood at my doorstep with his hands in his pockets and his eyes piercing through my soul. My grogginess vanished as I saw him.

"Y...yes?", I finally spoke. He didn't speak for a moment and looked around my dorm. Then he said,

"Pack your bags. You are moving in with me."

(To be continued...)


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