Chapter 08

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Author's POV

It was around 8 in the morning when Porchay opened his eyes. The sunrays hit his cheeks and birds were chirping outside the window.

His body was aching due to the last night's intense activity. He stretched his arms and yawned.

He looked around but Kim wasn't there. As he looked around, he realised he was sleeping on Kim's bed.

He blushed a little as he realised that he slept on the cruellest man's bed. Maybe no other boy or a girl who spend time with Kim has ever been in this room, let alone his bed.

Suddenly the room's door opened and Kim entered with breakfast. He placed the breakfast tray beside the bed.

"Morning", Kim said and ruffled Porchay's hair. "Did you sleep well last night?"

"Khab", Porchay replied shyly. Kim gave a faint smile and nodded.

"By the way, are you in pain?", Kim asked.

Porchay got embarrassed by the question and avoided Kim' eyes. He was smiling and blushing like an idiot.

Kim noticed Porchay's bashful demeanour and smirked. "Why are you blushing?"

"I...I don't know," Porchay stammered, his cheeks growing even hotter.

Kim then handed him a pain relief ointment and said, "Here, use this. I don't think you want to limp infront of your classmates."

Porchay nodded and took the ointment. He still didn't look up at Kim.

"Apply it and eat your breakfast before you leave for school.", Kim said, his tone gentle and caring.

Porchay's heart fluttered as he felt Kim's genuine concern for his well-being, making him feel special.

He immediately got up and went to the bathroom to take a bath and apply the ointment.

He wore a robe and came outside the bathroom. Kim was waiting for him.

"Eat your breakfast. I will take a bath and drop you to college", Kim said.

"Oh! Aren't you eating?", Porchay asked.

"I have eaten already", Kim said and went to the bathroom for a quick bath.

Porchay sighed and ate the breakfast. He then went to his room to get dressed and gather his belongings for school.

He went downstairs to find Kim waiting for him. Porchay felt happy as he saw him standing there for him.

Soon, Kim dropped Porchay to his college.

"If I wouldn't come, then Big would come to pick you up.", Kim said.

"Khab", Porchay said with a smile. "Bye!"

Kim nodded and drove away. Porchay smiled and went on with his day.

He walked to his class met his friends, John and Mike. But they weren't there, so he went to the cafeteria.

"Ai' Chay! Where the hell have you been?", Mike said as he saw Porchay.

"Hi Mike! How are you doing, and where's John?", Porchay asked, completely ignoring Mike's question.

"He is getting us some drinks. Want some?", Mike asked.

"No, thanks.", Porchay replied as he sat opposite to Mike.

"But you didn't answer my question yet,", Mike said. "Where the hell have you been? It has been a whole week since we last saw you!"

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