Chapter 02

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Author's POV

"Leave me alone; otherwise, you are going to regret this", said Alex as he backed away, his eyes filled with emotions of fear.

"Do you think that begging the grim keeper will help?" asked Big with a smirk.

Alex said nothing but stared at Big in fear. He gulped when the door to the underground cell opened.

Then, walked in the cruelest member of the most feared mafia family, Kim Theeranpanyakul.

"Kim," Alex said. "What you are doing is not right."

"And you think what you did was right?", Kim countered. "This time you crossed the line, Alex, and you are gonna pay for this."

At that moment, Alex knew that there was no way out. The walls were closing on him, and his fate was sealed. Kim's cruel eyes pierced through his soul, making him shudder with a sense of impending doom.

"Finish him", ordered Kim as he turned around and walked out of the cell, leaving Alex at the mercy of his bodyguards.


Kim's POV

"Khun Kim Khab", Big said as he entered my office. "Khun Korn has called you for a private lunch with him at the mansion,"

I looked up and nodded at Big.

I know why Pa is keeping this lunch all of a sudden. It's not for family bonding. But rather to ask me to get married to his childhood best friend's daughter, Gia.

Gia and I have been friends since childhood. She knows that I am gay and supports me fully. She has even encouraged me to come out to my father, but I feel that I might disappoint him.

Even though I have two brothers, I am the one who is expected to carry on the family legacy.

My older brother, Kinn, who is also gay, has chosen celibacy ever since his boyfriend died four years ago. He died in a road accident, but my brother believes it's a murder and hence, he is determined to find the culprits.

I sighed and picked up my coat to attend the lunch. Soon, I left for the mansion. All the way, I was thinking of excuses to make to avoid the marriage, which both Gia and I have been doing for the past 2 years.

Gia already loves someone else. Her bodyguard, Max. And to be honest, they are very cute. Both of our lives are very similar; we are trapped in roles we never wanted and are forced to make sacrifices for the sake of our families.

I reached the mansion, Khun Chan, head of the bodyguards, was at the entrance waiting for me, I guess.

"Sawadee Khap Khun Chan", I greeted him.

"Sawadee Khap Khun Kim", he said. "I have told you so many times not to call me 'Khun'"

"You have served my family even before I was born, Khun. It's a sign of respect on my part," I replied with a smile. He smiled back and directed me to Pa's room's balcony, overlooking the lush gardens below and the Bangkok city above.

"Please take your seat, Khap. Khun Korn will join you in a minute", he said and bowed and left. I waited for him to come.

Soon, my father arrived and greeted me with a warm smile. "Sawadee Kim"

"Sawadee khap Pa", I replied.

"Were you waiting for a long time now, son?", he asked as he took a seat in front of me.

"No, Pa. I just arrived."

"Let's eat then", he said. The servants served us the food. "If you need anything, please let us know khaa", said our cook, Rose. We both nodded, and she bowed and left.

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