Chapter 07 🔞

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Kim's POV

I went to my room and got fresh. I wore a blue robe and boxers. Then I sat on the sofa waiting for both my dinner and dessert.

As I waited, my phone chimed. I picked it up to check the notification. It was from my oldest brother, Tankhun.

"Bitch! I am back in Thailand! Let's meet tomorrow at our hotel! Come if you aren't dead! Bye!!"

I sighed as I read it. Among us three brothers, he is the lively one. His character is annoying but his absence always makes us feel incomplete.

He is the eldest to both me and Kinn. He is a New York based fashion designer. But I seriously don't know how people like his designs. His designs are so over-the-top and impractical.

Kinn, my second brother, on the other hand, is just like me. We both are cold and reserved. We are quite introverted compared to Tankhun.

I rolled my eyes at Tankhun's message. "Fine", I replied.

But whatever happens, we brothers always got each other's back, no matter what.

As I was entangled in my thoughts, somebody knocked on my door.

I smirked as my most awaited dessert arrived. "Come", I ordered.

The doorknob twisted and the door swung open, revealing my favorite dessert, Porchay, standing with a tray which had dinner in it.

I gulped as I looked at him. He had changed into pajamas and the view of his toned arms and defined chest made my heart skip a beat.

His innocent looking face and his doe eyes made me even more hard.

But he maintained his innocent look. He knew the effect he had on me and enjoyed it fully.

After he placed the tray on the table, he in stood in front of me. My dick was throbbing inside my underwear.

I couldn't resist any longer and pulled Porchay close to me, unable to contain my desire any further.

As I tried to kiss him, he put his fingers on my lips, gently stopping me. I raised my eyebrows at him, silently questioning his actions.

He then leaned over to the table and picked up a cherry tomato from the tray.

He held it up to my lips and whispered, "Dinner first, dessert later."

I chuckled softly and took a bite of the cherry tomato, savoring the sweet burst of flavor.

"But darling, today seems like I'm having the dessert first," I replied with a mischievous smile, unable to resist the temptation any longer.

He arched back when I tried to kiss him again. I looked at him with a mix of anticipation and desire, longing for the moment when our lips would finally meet.

"Let's have dinner first Khun Kim na khab", Porchay said in a seductive tone, sending chills all over my body.

"Come. Let's get over with the dinner quickly.", I said. He smiled and again leaned over to the table and picked up the plate.

"I will feed you today na khab", Porchay said.

It was spaghetti for dinner today. He picked up the fork and swirled around the spaghetti and brought it near my mouth.

I kept looking at all of his actions with a smirk. As he brought the fork near, I slowly opened my mouth and ate the spaghetti.

I chewed slowly as I kept looking at him. He was all brave today and I liked it.

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